Friday, May 31, 2019

The Importance of Fear in The River Warren :: River Warren Essays

The Importance of Fear in The River Warren In Kent Meyers The River Warren, the reader can detect many examples of symbolism. The basic theme throughout the apologue focuses on the river. The River Warren, in its past and present state, means different things to each character in the novel. Many important scenes take place on the river and its banks accenting its importance. As the river winds through the land just most Cloten in the story, its symbol winds through the lives of the characters and the lives of readers. Meyers stresses the rivers significance to members of the community through each characters testimony and story. In the novel the river represents- symbolizes- is fear. Everyone has approximately type of fear, and for each character in the novel this holds true. To ideal Finn, a dream of the rivers past is admittedly exciting. On one specific night, Angels fears are clear presented on the river. He says, I aint been afraid on that river for a lon g time, spooked but never afraid...but I was surely afraid when I come around that heart kinda shriveled(143). Angel has found his fear on the river. It is odd, though, that Angel usually goes to the river to escape from his fears. He says, on the night river, everything seems far away, so far away its come back around to being close, and a man can need nothing and want everything, and wonder what his lifes all about at the same time that he knows(3). Angel wonders about the meaning of life, but in reality, he knows what its all about. Angel never mentions any family. all we really know about him is that he is a unaccompanied hardware store owner who loves being on the river. Who is he really? A lonely old man finding escape from life and loneliness fishing on the river. While on the river Angel meets and befriends two young boys, Luke and Jeff. To him, they seem to run into how highly the river should be valued. The three men treat the river as if it has a personality and holds some kind of dignified or sacred value to them. Angel explains himself when he says, I know I dont know myself on the river, but I swear that it knows me.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Selection from Perpetual Masquerade: Marriage,Sexuality and Suicide in Madame Bovary :: Research Papers

A Selection from Perpetual Masquerade Marriage,Sexuality and Suicide in Madame Bovary Introduction the Heroines DilemmaThe essence of the happenings of ordinary contemporary life seemed toFlaubert to dwell not in tempestuous actions and passions, not in demonicmen and forces, but in the prolonged chronic state whose surface movementis uncorrupted empty bustle, while underneath it there is another movement, almostimperceptible but universal and unceasing, so that the political, economic,and social subsoil appears comparatively stable and at the same timeintolerably charged with tension.1The high incidence of suicide among women who peoplenineteenth-century fiction and drama, as illustrated in Flauberts MadameBovary and Ibsens Hedda Gabler, among others, often is viewed as theheroines quick and relatively easy way of escaping from her problemsand from the complexities of life. The shock of suicide, especially as itis presented in Madame Bovary, brings to the fore the seriousness writ erslike Flaubert and Ibsen attached to the power ordering wields in moldinga womans life and character into the model it deems appropriate. Theirfictions show how dire the consequences may become should a womansneeds lie dormant or fail to be fully realized. Among the needs thatgo unfulfilled in the women of these literary works are their familiarones, which is why so many of these novels and plays center on sexualawakening and on the dissatisfactions of marriages of a conventionalkind. The amount of research done and material written on this topicspeaks to its significance when considering the issue of sexuality bothfor the characters in the aforementioned novels and for women ingeneral. In This Sex Which is Not One, for instance, Luce Irigaray saysthat Woman derives pleasure from what is so near that she cannothave it nor have herself. She herself enters into a ceaseless exchangeof herself with the other without any possibility of identifying either(31). Indeed, as we can see i n these literary works, the oft overlooked(or merely misunderstood) subject of female sexuality, if even grantedits own status, remains a threat to male control in much(prenominal) androcentricsocieties.Particularly prominent in the discussion of the place of andentitlements for female sexuality is Flauberts protagonist. Emma,because of her resistance to womens pre-mandated roles and becauseshe eventually succumbs to suicide, stands as a fitting cause ofa culpable character for those readers alarmed by the willful orindependent woman. In this analysis, sexual and personal latitude,Emmas case certainly suggests, breeds demise of what mostnineteenth-century bourgeois considered the core of existence strictadherence to the social and moral codes maintaining a proper and

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - The Wife of Bath and the Ideal Woman

The wife of Bath and the Ideal Woman The Wife of Bath is one of Chaucers most memorable characters. In the General Prologue, she is described as a somewhat deaf, voluptuous, married woman. She is a clothing maker, has a gap tooth, the sign of a lust nature, and she wears brilliant red stockings. Her fantastic description alone sparks interest, a spark that is later fanned into fire when her prologue is read. The Wifes outlandish description of her marriages makes her unique and memorable among the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales, most of which are identified by conventional occupation. Chaucer has designedly made the Wife a notable character by giving her life many unconventional twists. Her marriages are contradictory, and her personality is at odds with the gothic view of women Chaucer creates her in order to show that this woman, however rare and unique she is, cannot openly struggle for equality and independence. Her prologue gives the reader the notion that, when Alison is talking about herself, Its a bit like an anti-confession, with her saying this is what Im like, theres no way Im going to change (Beer 8). This is her initial portrayal, but at the end of her prologue, the Wife of Bath succumbs to the pressure of society, conforms and becomes the example medieval wife. The Wifes marriages, when viewed in order, show her struggle for power and her surrender to authority. In the first few lines the reader learns that Alison was married five times. Her five husbands represent the progression of a woman from a power-hungry girl to a submissive spouse. Her five husbands can be divided into two groups, the first group consisting of the Wifes first cardinal husbands. Of this first group she says, Th... ... Mark. The Wife of Bath and Womens Power. Assays 4 (1987) 67-83. Bott, Robin. The Wife of Bath and the Revelour Power Struggles and Failure in a Marriage of Peers. Medieval Perspectives 6 (1991) 154-161. Carruthers, Mary. The Wife of Bath and the P ainting of Lions. PMLA 94 (1979) 209-18. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Riverside Chaucer. Ed. Larry Benson. 3rd ed. Boston Houghton, 1987. Crane, Susan. Alisons Incapacity and Poetic Instability in the Wife of Baths Tale. MLA 102 (1987) 20-27. Leicester, Jr., H. Marshall. Of a fire in the minacious Public and Private Feminism in the Wife of Baths Tale. Womens Studies 11.1-2 (1985) 157-78. Oberembt, Kenneth. Chaucers Anti-Misogynist Wife of Bath. The Chaucer Review 10 (1976) 287-302. Patterson, Lee. Chaucer and the Subject of History. Madison University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.

Gifted and Talented Education Research Paper -- essays papers

dexterous and Talented Education Research Paper It is essential to understand the some different manners of educating endow and talented disciples. Most people, whether as teachers, students, or parents, will at some point be faced with the many options of educating the gifted and talented. In the United States today, 3-5 percent of students are considered gifted. Defining whether or not a student is gifted can be quite difficult, only if many would agree that gifted students are able to learn material rapidly and understand concepts deeply (Lynch, 1999). Within this paper I will reason the process of identifying gifted and talented students and the different methods of educating them including tracking, grade advancement, and cooperative learning. Of these three methods I believe the most effective method used to teach gifted and talented students is tracking.One of the most controversial things about gifted and talented education is the criterion educators use to ident ify the gifted and talented. In the past, a students intelligence, based on an I.Q. score, was considered the best way to determine whether or not they qualified as gifted. As a result of using this method of identification, many gifted and talented students are not discovered nor are they placed in the appropriate programs to develop their abilities. Talents in the arts or an slender ability to write are not measured on an I.Q. test but are abilities that may certainly qualify a student as gifted or talented.This method of identification is accused of being biased because it results in the identification of a group of people that is mostly white and speeding middle class (Sternberg & Williams, 2002). This occurs because minorities often lack the c... ...delines for Acceleration (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2003, from http//, D. V. (1995). Highly Gifted Children and Peer Relationships. Counseling and Guidance Newsletter. Retrieved March 10, 2003, from http//, M. (1992). Gifted Students Talk About Cooperative Learning. Educational Leadership, 50. Retrieved March 10, 2003, from http// unkown (2003, March 9). In gifted classrooms is diversity lacking?. Salisbury Daily Times. Retrieved March 10, 2003, from http// smart/stories/20030309/localnews/1142640.htmlAuthor unknown (2003, February 24). Schools seek gifted among minorities. The Washington Times. Retrieved March 10, 2003, from http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Interpersonal Communication in an Intercultural Setting :: essays papers

Interpersonal Communication in an Intercultural SettingCultural growth in the twenty-first century has heightened theemphasis on interpersonal communication in an interculturalsetting. As our world grows, expands and becomes increasingly moreinterconnected by various technological advances, the need foreffective interpersonal communication among differing cultures hasbecome quite clear. delinquent to the advancement of technology intodays world, a world in which some businesspeople are involved intransactions with other businesspeople in faraway countries, thecall for knowledge of intercultural communication within thissetting has become a reality. Interpersonal communication is aform of communication that involves a downhearted number of people whocan interact exclusively with one another and who therefore havethe ability to both adapt their messages specifically for thoseothers and to obtain present(prenominal) interpretations from them (Lustig etal, 1993). Although interper sonal communication is usually thoughtof as being perf ormed in small, centralized groups, a need tobroaden these groups and bring about a cosmopolitan feeling of culturalawareness has become apparent. To a certain degree, all communicationcould be called interpersonal, as it occurs between two or morepeople. However, it is reusable and practical to restrict the definitionto distinguish those relationships that involve a relatively smallgroup of people, such as couples, families, friends, workgroups, andeven classroom groups from those involving much large numbers ofpeople, as would occur in public rallies or among massive televisionaudiences. Unlike other forms of communication, interpersonalcommunication involves person-to-person interactions. Additionally,the perception that a social bond has developed between theinteractants, however tenuous and temporary it may seem, is also muchmore likely.Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive,transactional, contextua l impact tool with which peoplefrom different cultures create shared meanings (Berko et al,1998). When we speak to someone with whom we share little orno cultural bond, it is referred to as interculturalcommunication. Our need to transmit across culture can bevery beneficial personally and professionally. Within anintercultural setting, nonverbal and verbal communication areboth prevalent in emphasizing the differences in cultures. Theway we act and the things we say determine whether or not webelong in a certain culture. Nonverbal communication systems proffer information about the meaning associated with the useof space, time, touch and gestures. They help to define theboundaries between the members and nonmembers of a culture(Koester at al, 1993). In order to fully lie with and benefitfrom interpersonal communication in an intercultural setting,one must first gain a fu ll, comprehensive knowledge of thedetermining factors of culture.

Interpersonal Communication in an Intercultural Setting :: essays papers

Interpersonal Communication in an Intercultural SettingCultural growth in the twenty-first coulomb has heightened theemphasis on interpersonal talk in an interculturalsetting. As our world grows, expands and becomes increasingly moreinterconnected by various technological advances, the need for stiff interpersonal communication among differing finishs hasbecome quite clear. Due to the advancement of technology intodays world, a world in which some businesspeople are knotty intransactions with otherwise businesspeople in faraway countries, thecall for knowledge of intercultural communication within thissetting has become a reality. Interpersonal communication is aform of communication that involves a small number of people whocan interact exclusively with one another and who therefore havethe mogul to both adapt their messages specifically for thoseothers and to obtain immediate interpretations from them (Lustig etal, 1993). Although interpersonal communication is usually th oughtof as being perf ormed in small, centralized groups, a need tobroaden these groups and bring about a general feeling of culturalawareness has become apparent. To a certain degree, all communicationcould be called interpersonal, as it occurs between two or morepeople. However, it is useful and practical to restrict the definitionto distinguish those relationships that involve a relatively smallgroup of people, such(prenominal) as couples, families, friends, workgroups, andeven classroom groups from those involving such(prenominal) larger numbers ofpeople, as would occur in public rallies or among massive televisionaudiences. Unlike other forms of communication, interpersonalcommunication involves person-to-person interactions. Additionally,the perception that a social bond has developed between theinteractants, however tenuous and temporary it may seem, is also muchmore likely.Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive,transactional, contextual processing tool with which peoplefrom different cultures create shared meanings (Berko et al,1998). When we speak to someone with whom we share little orno cultural bond, it is referred to as interculturalcommunication. Our need to communicate across culture can bevery beneficial personally and professionally. Within anintercultural setting, non literal and verbal communication areboth prevalent in emphasizing the differences in cultures. Theway we act and the things we say determine whether or not webelong in a certain culture. Nonverbal communication systemsprovide information about the meaning associated with the useof space, time, touch and gestures. They help to define theboundaries between the members and nonmembers of a culture(Koester at al, 1993). In order to fully enjoy and benefitfrom interpersonal communication in an intercultural setting,one must first gain a fu ll, all-round(prenominal) knowledge of thedetermining factors of culture.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Disciplining Children Essay

When I was younger we used to get disciplined with visible penalty. Not saying that this is always the answer but it is what is needed sometimes. If more parents were allowed to use corporal punishment as means of discipline it would let the kidren make out who is in charge. Sometimes it seems the law gives most of the authority to the tiddlerren. When children do something wrong there needs to be a punishment fitting to the actions. If a child writes on the wall you should talk to them and tell them that it is not ok to write on the walls and why. When you diaphragm them a second time and they acknowledge what they did was wrong you formulate to them why it is not ok to write on the walls, and let them know that they will really be in trouble if they do it again. Now if you catch them writing on the walls again at this point there needs to be something that shows them you are serious in comes corporal punishment.Depending on the age of the child and what was done decides the severity of the corporal punishment. Sometimes this could be as simple as a tap to the hand of a three year overaged for using foul language, up to taking a belt to the behind of a thirteen year old for taking a knife to school. Im not saying that corporal punishment is the send-off means or the only means of discipline. Explaining what was done is wrong should always be the first course of action. When the same problem invariably arises thats when it is necessary. But after you do use corporal punishment you must talk to the child and apologize that you dont like having to spank them, but you have to show them there will be serious consequences for their actions in life.If you only talk to children it could protract them to believe this will be the highest level on discipline. As children get older they base the level of punishment on what was given to them by their parents. If you constantly let your children get away with things and only talk at the problem they will think t hats what the world will do also, so playing out in school would be nothing to them even when the teacher tells them they are going to have to call their parents. But if the child receives corporal punishment often for being too out of hand when the teacher says they are going to call the childs parents theyll know the better get it unneurotic because there will be serious consequences if they dont.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hearts and Hands (O.Henry)

At Denver at that place was an influx of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M. express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in elegant taste and surrounded by all the luxurious soothe of an experienced traveler. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence with a bold, frank countenance and manner the other a ruffled, glum-faced person, heavily built and approximately dressed. The two were handcuffed together. As they passed down the aisle of the coach the only vacant seat offered was a reversed one facing the attractive young woman.Here the conjugated couple seated themselves. The young womans glance fell upon them with a distant, swift disinte catch ones breath then with a lovely smile brightening her countenance and a extend pink tingeing her rounded cheeks, she held out a little gray-gloved hand. When she spoke her voice, full, sweet, and deliberate, proclaimed that its owner was accustomed to speak and be heard. Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Dont vou ever recognize old partners when you meet them in the West? The younger man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left hand. Its Miss Fairchild, he said, with a smile. Ill subscribe you to excuse the other hand its otherwise diligent just at present. He slightly raised his right hand, bound at the wrist by the shining bracelet to the left one of his companion. The radiant look in the girls eyes slowly changed to a bewildered horror. The glow faded from her cheeks.Her lips parted in a vague, relaxing distress. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to speak again when the other forestalled him. The glum-faced man had been watching the girls countenance with veiled glances from his keen, shrewd eyes. Youll excuse me for speaking, miss, but, I see youre acquainted with t he marshall here. If youll ask him to speak a word for me when we get to the pen hell do it, and itll make things easier for me there. Hes winning me to Leavenworth prison. Its seven years for counterfeiting. Oh said the girl, with a deep breath and returning color. So that is what you ar doing out here? A marshal My dear Miss Fairchild, said Easton, calmly, I had to do something. Money has a way of taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in Washington. I saw this opening in the West, andwell, a marshalship isnt quite as high up a position as that of ambassador, but The ambassador, said the girl, warmly, doesnt call any more. He neednt ever have done so. You ought to know that.And so now you are one of these dashing Western heroes, and you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of dangers. Thats different from the Washington life. You have been missed from the old crowd. The girls eyes, fascinated, went back, widening a little, to rest upon the glittering handcuffs. Dont you worry about them, miss, said the other man. All marshals handcuff themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting apart. Mr. Easton knows his business. Will we see you again soon in Washington? asked the girl. Not soon, I think, said Easton. My butterfly days are over, I fear. I love the West, said the girl irrelevantly. Her eyes were shining softly. She looked away out the car window. She began to speak truly and simply without the gloss of style and manner Mamma and I spent the summer in Denver. She went home a week ago because father was slightly ill. I could live and be happy in the West. I think the air here agrees with me.Money isnt everything. But tribe always misunderstand things and remain stupid Say, Mr. Marshal, growled the glum-faced man. This isnt quite fair. Im needing a drink, and havent had a smoke all day. Havent you talked long enough? Take me in the smoker now, wont you? Im half(a) dead for a pipe. The bound t ravelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face. I cant deny a petition for tobacco, he said, lightly. Its the one friend of the unfortunate. Good-bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you know. He held out his hand for a farewell. Its too bad you are not going East, she said, reclothing herself with manner and style. But you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose? Yes, said Easton, I must go on to Leavenworth. The two men sidled down the aisle into the smoker. The two passengers in a seat near by had heard most of the conversation. Said one of them That marshals a good sort of chap. Some of these Western fellows are all right. lovely young to hold an office like that, isnt he? asked the other. Young exclaimed the first speaker, WhyOh Didnt you catch on? SayDid you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Difference in Living in the South

Introduction with Thesis Statement This paper depart be discussing the differences in living in the South, and in the North. The two places that will be comp ard argon Chicago Illinois, and Clarksville Tennessee. It will in addition tell how the two places argon alike and distinct. The difference is the libertine pace of urban center life, and the slow pace of inelegant living. The city life is a better way of living then that of the country, due to its broad cultural environment. Topic 1 The city life is a fast pace way of living than in the country.Unlike the country the cities barter is like having rush hour each day long. People are rushing to do just about all(prenominal)thing, from shopping, eating, exercising, and most importantly to go to work. People go downtownspeople to enjoy the different sites, like the Sears Tower, and the great big buildings the city folks love so much. The food is always magnificent you can get any kind of food from any nationality. There ar e many different ethnic groups that dwell in the city of Chicago.There are Mexicans, who live mostly on the Westside of Chicago, and African Americans who live mainly on thee Southside of Chicago. The Eastside is also filled with Blacks. As for the North you will see a majority Whites, these are known as the suburbs. Downtown you have a mixture of them all. You will see Asians, Indians, Italians, French, and West Indies. The streets are crowded ein truthday with people who are in a hurry. Buckingham Fountain is one of the most beautiful fountains in the city of Chicago.You may recognize it from the TV series Married with Children. The lights that shine are of every color on an artists canvas. There are at least fin museums great exhibits for every member in your family. Theres also a museum located on Stoney Island Avenue, with a Harry tinker exhibit it is very fascinating. Down town is like being in a crowded Grocery store. There is always cars honking, buses stopping at every s top, taxi cabs tail-gating other cars, people running to catch the bus, and running to get into shops as they open.Some people are crossing the street from every direction trying to get to the other side of the street. You begin to feel like you are a part of something bigger than you are. Start Topic 2 here The country life is a bit slower than that of the city a particular place is Clarksville Tennessee. Clarksville is a small town near a Military Installation. When the soldiers are gone its like living in a ghost town, because the military make up most of the population. The campgrounds are lots of fun, but you have to rag an hour outdoor(a) to Kentucky to enjoy the scenery.The country life is mostly dealt with outdoor activities. In the summer there are Barbeques, parks, swimming pools, and jazz on the lawn. along the local streets there farms and lots of land for sale. Most of your neighbors own farmland and they have all sorts of farm animals, like cows, horses, and chicken s. The air is not always as fresh as you think there is the fertilizer, and the smell of the factories smoke. Clarksville is very close to the boarder of Oak Grove Kentucky so driving to the next state to go to your local YMCA was never that fun.There is only a four-corner mall to shopat in Clarksville, so we drive an hour away to go to Nashville Tennessee where there are five malls. The town has a festival from time to time nothing too big due to limited of space available for the town activities. The downtown is very small they have a couple of bars and boutiques. There is one pub that is almost fun its called the Black Horse. You can eat, drink as well as dance and mingle. Clarksville is so slow that it makes you want to go back to sleep as soon as you wake up. There are lots of Amish settlers who still live in the town of Clarksville.They do not drive cars, or ride buses they still ride buggies that are pulled buy horses. The town caters to them, there are many signs around that say reduce speed ahead with the horse and buggy picture on them. The town is so hand out out that you will have to own a car. The towns transportation is scarce, there is CTS (Clarksville Transit System), but it stops at nine o clock in the evening, and it runs every two hours. It is very hard to live in the country, and most of all a big difference from the city. The comparison of the TwoLiving in the City of Chicago is quite the difference then living in Clarksville Tennessee, First you have to schedule a precise time just to support your friend for coffee at Starbucks, or lunch at Abdo Mexican Grill and shopping at Macys due to the busy flow of traffic that is in the city. Going down town is big because of the people, the crowds are exciting, the different types of nationalities you see make you a part of a great country that has through with(p) away with racism. There are so many sites to see in Chicago Sears Tower the Museums with all the nice exhibits and much more.However , in Clarksville There is no traffic you can call your friend up anytime for a cup of coffee and meet right then. The only crowd of people are the ones at bottom of a Super Wal-Mart Store, in the only sites are your neighbors back yard looking at them barbecue Unless you drive an hour away everyday to go see the sites in Kentucky or shop in Nashville Tennessee. Choosing the City life is great there is wade too much to see and do, tall-stalked building lit up by beautiful lights at night, different nationalities of people Chinese, Mexicans, Indians, Koreans, Germans, Whites and blacks.The many choices of ethnic restaurants enjoying food you like created by that race. Having a china town right in your own city, the cultural is so a live you think you really are in China. The people and their clothes, the stores are all Chinese stores, you cannot buy any American anything from China town. People being in a hurry cars moving fast, tall building, and not having to drive hours away to go to a mall is why living in the city is exciting. The Conclusion

Friday, May 24, 2019

Punishment vs Discipline Essay

Ashlee Johnson 04/29/10 Punishment vs. Discipline HFS 4213 Children cannot possibly benefit from theater in the form of punishment. Simply put, punishment is disrespectful treatment of a child that will result short- term cooperation but further behavior problems long-term. No child should have to endure such negative modification methods intended to humiliate them with a goal of teaching appropriate behavior. Sadly, however, some adults think they be doing what is best for the child.But what can a child possibly learn from hearing a parent say, If you hit your brother one more time, Im gonna spank you The child interprets that message as if I hit him, then youre going to hit me. There is no valuable lesson creation taught in such a situation. Thankfully, organizations such as NAEYC have set forth guidelines for appropriate teaching techniques for parents and educators to utilize at home and in classrooms.By taking the initiative to research alternatives to punishment, one would see the egative impact this has on children. Anger, aggression, damaged self-esteem, fear, hostility, resentment, and deceitfulness are Just a few of the ways children serve to the emotional, physical, and verbally abusive means of punishment they may experience in an environment of uninformed adults. Even though it may be unintentional, the results can be devastating. There are many ways that discipline can be positive and actually help children learn.Effective child guidance approaches will grain in a child a way of controlling their own behavior. Children should have the power to make choices, and then they will learn from the consequences of their actions. They have a right to be respected and need to learn how to handle their emotions. It is our duty as early childhood educators and parents to allow young children an opportunity to gain cognition and understanding from the experiences we offer them in safe, nurturing environments.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cusick and Her Lesbian Relationship with Music Essay

In the essay On a Lesbian Relationship with Music A Serious Effort Not to Think Straight by Suzanne G. Cusick, she brings up an interesting topic several(prenominal) the connection in the midst of her being a homosexual and her being a musician, a musicologist, if at t put on place exists any.Im especially interested in the reason dodging and the link between musicality and lesbianism she mentions in this article. Here, Ill try to analysis them in detail and relate them with other issues in music and sexuality, exploring them in a more general picture. Cusick redefines the concept of sexuality in her essay, as the way of expressing and/or enacting relationships of intimacy finished physical pleasure sh atomic number 18d, accepted, or given. According to her, this process of expressing and enacting buns as well as be plant in our musical activities, where the circulation of physical pleasure abide be experienced as well. Thus, she says that our musicalities and our sexual ities are psychically next-door neighbors. (70) I need to claim that this idea of her amazes me. From my prior musical experience, Im pretty sure that music is a subject highly intimate for me.For instance, I commonly have reluctance when Im asked to sing or perform a song written by myself, even if I think it is a brilliant hotshot. And this wont happen if the song is someone elses. In my opinion, music, especially my own music which Im face-to-facely attached to, is an expression of my line up self, and that identity and individual(prenominal) characteristics contained in it makes it so special that I wont be willing to share it with others, unless its someone rightfully close to me. Another point that I think will support Cusicks idea is that different people always have different opinions towards the same piece of music. No theme how the composer perceives it, the listener usually has the tendency to relate it to his/her own personal experiences, which differ from perso n to person. It is reasonable to think that music is a symbol of someones personalities and characteristics, because of the intimacy the music creates.Therefore, I believe that on that point exists a connection between the musicality and the sexuality of a certain person, since both of them are revelations of his/her true identity, and we corporation examine our own behaviors on both of them. In other words, these two factors are connected because of the person who they belong to, and they are contained in the system of his/her situations. Cusick also explains in her article what does it mean to be a lesbian and how to define sexuality, which are essential questions if we want to relate it to music. From her point of view, the essence of ones sexuality and the element of all relationships is the spot system. An example that move explain this is what musicologists say about the maleness in Beethoven. In Susan McClarys opinion, at that place exist musical constructions of gender and sexuality.She regards the field of music and musicology as male-dominated, since the masculine norm and the distinction between genders are deeply rooted in music, such as masculine and feminine cadences, rhythms, gendered major and minor triads, etc. (7) She also analyzes Beethovens music, which to her contains pounding, thrusting gestures that represent masculinity. (75) On the contrary, in Sanna Pedersons article Beethoven and Masculinity, she redefines the concept of masculinity and the link between it with Beethoven. She states that we can find an alternative approach, arguing that we regard Beethoven as symbol of masculinity because of the overwhelming idea that viewing woman as as unchanging, eternal essence, as the opposite of the dynamically striving and achieving man. (326) Matthew Head also approaches this from another perspective by examining the heroic in Beethovens works, finding many overlay-dressed heroines. (132) Its notable that although there is importance put on female person characters, women usually need to conceal their sexuality and transgress the gendered norms in order to serve as the epitomes in the aesthetic sphere.This shows that, no matter what kind of connection there exists between Beethoven and masculinity, there does exist a author system that emphasis on the inequality between men and women, where women as less expenditure less, power less man, in both our society and in music. Whichever argument we believe, we should admit the extensive presence of the power system in our society, and in practice, it can be found both in music and in many relationships between people, especially heterosexual ones. The most significant point of view of her in this essay, I think, is that she believes being a lesbian is an escape from this power system As a woman, as a non- distinguished and non-power woman who loves another woman in her relationship, the flow of power can exist in both directions, as opposed to a heterosexual relat ionship where a man typically plays the dominating and powerful part.And Cusick believes that this is the beauty of a lesbian relationship its about organizing the force field of power, pleasure, and intimacy that refuses the simple binary opposition male and female. The lack of opposition creates a world that scrambles the usual components of man and woman, and a world free of fixed categories. (73) This reminds me of the documentary Paris is Burning, which astonied me with its idea of celebrations of a powerful expression of personalities, without any restriction of boundaries. There, what matters is the personal prides, which are fully showed in the drag nights in New York. Cusick further explains the elements in a lesbian relationship as the power/pleasure/intimacy triad. (71) From my understanding, this is indeed an appropriate way to observe a relationship.As I mentioned before, power is an important factor that circulates within the relationship. Whats more, pleasure and int imacy are objectives that we usually want to achieve when we are involved someone we love, and thus they are essential bolsters of a relationship. As Cusick says, this triad can be experienced more freely in lesbian relationships, because without the power flowing only in one direction, the equality and balance between the two lovers can give them more intimacy and pleasure, both physically and psychically, from their relationship. Hence, in Cusicks article, being a lesbian is not merely a sexual orientation it is also the way one prefers to behave, to organize the relationship to the world in a power/pleasure/intimacy triad. Its a way of refusing, breaking, and creating, and to cope with the world in a way that she prefers. And these behaviors can also be detected in a persons musicality, which is also built in his/her identity.More interestingly, Cusick talks about the lesbian relationship she has with music. She treats music as a woman, and a woman that can be a lover, and also t he beloved as in a lesbian relationship where the power circulates both ways and cross without boundaries. (78) In the article tunefulity, Essentialism, and the Closet written by Philip Brett, he also discusses music be perceived as feminine. Brett says that in history, music has often been considered a dangerous substance, an agent of moral ambiguity always in dander of bestowing deviant status upon its practitioners. (11) By describing music as a woman that malign our sense or our soul, people from the medieval and early modern times let us keep an eye on how close music and sexuality can be. This also makes Cusicks treating music as a female lover more sensible.Another idea of her that interests me is that she thinks her choice of music can reflects her sexuality. She says that her love for hidden relationships and the latent hostility between the ostensible structure, which represents the tension between a social norm and a very high degree of eccentricity, suggests her esc ape from the power system. Also, she dis-prefers music hat upset this power equilibrium. (77) She explains this by saying that her lesbian self let her prefer certain kinds of music and reject some other kinds. This makes me think about in general, how peoples choices of music reflect their sexuality and identity, and to what degree. I agree that the choices of music can reflect that persons nature to some extent, but I also believe that the music he/she listens can shape that person into the qualities and personalities that the music wants him/her to have. The same as Cusicks relationship with her music, there is a counter-influence here as well.Rentfrow and Gosling found in their research that peoples music preferences are related to a wide array of personality dimensions and self-views. If the links between music preferences and personality do exist, we can easily infer that our choices of music reflect our identity, which also links to our sexuality. Besides, we can always see the influences of music on people. It has been shown by Frederick H. Martens that music exerts its collective influence in the course of history. He also says that as an individual influence, music is one of the factors in the life of kings and rulers, which also has exerted a more or less direct influence on the destinies of countries and peoples. We can see clearly from his article that music can significantly affect ones views and thoughts on this world, therefore it is an important element in directing peoples personality and characteristics.Hence, the relationship between a person and the music he/she listens is a mutual one. Peoples preference of music decides the music they choose, and what they choose can reversely variety them as well, directing them into the qualities that can be defined through that music. This can also illustrate Cusicks point that her relationship with music is about the power dynamic that circulates both ways between music and her, and this relationsh ip highly resembles the one between lesbian lovers. Thus, the link between music and sexuality is obvious. Furthermore, Im wondering about how the connection between identity and sexuality works in other subjects and fields of study. Cusick says in her article that she does not call the texts of music because she thinks that they tend to trick us into staying in a power-over paradigm that is mighty close to the regime of compulsory heterosexuality.Personally, I dont on the whole agree with her on this. In my opinion, other subjects such as literature and art can also illustrate ones identity, thus they can represent peoples qualities through the power/pleasure/intimacy triad as well, and so does texts in music . The reason why Cusick thinks that focussing on texts can deviates us is that her love and professional interests in music leave her only looking at music as an intimate lover. entirely for people from other fields and domains, their subjects can be treated as lovers and beloved as well. For example, it is reasonable to imagine a poet feels extreme intimacy in his relationship with poems. Cusick mentioned by herself in the notes that she can also find tremendous bliss from cooking, and she loves to peel fruits and vegetables without a knife, because she believes it will create wholly pleasurable experiences. (83)I would not say Cusick is also in love with vegetables, but what she says can suggest that pleasure and intimacy do not solely exist between people and music. As Pygmalion can fall in love with the statue he carved, why cant a songwriter build a wild-eyed tie with the texts of music he wrote? In other words, as long as we have passion, the relationship between people and his/her subject of study can be developed in any area, within which we can find its connection with sexuality.This essay of Cusick is not very long, but the notions it contains, I believe, are really valuable sources of thoughts if we want to explore the relationship betwe en music and sexuality, especially when we want to discover it from a perspective about our own identity and personal characteristics. Cusick has nicely shown that the boundary between music and sex can be a blurred one, where both are means of negotiating power and intimacy through the circulation of pleasure. Here, the most important is the people that involves both with music and with sex, intimately experiencing them and wholly mingling with them. As Cusick says, what really matters is neither music nor sex, but the transcendent joy of being alive, not dead, and aware of the existence. (69)Works CitedBrett, Philip, Elizabeth Wood, and Gary Thomas. Queering the Pitch the New Gay and Lesbian Musicology. 2nd ed. New York Routledge, 2006.McClary, Susan. Reading Music Selected Essays. Aldershot, England Ashgate, 2007.McClary, Susan. Feminine Endings Music, Gender, and Sexuality. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, 1991.Rentfrow, gumshoe J, and Samuel D Gosling. The do re m is of everyday life the structure and personality correlates of music preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84.6 (2003) 1236-1256.Frederick H. Martens. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Apr., 1925), pp. 196-218Burnham, Scott G, and Michael P Steinberg. Beethoven and His World. Princeton N.J. Princeton University Press, 2000.Head, Matthew. Beethoven Heroine A Female Allegory of Music and Authorship in Egmont. 19th-Century Music 30 (2006-07), 97-132.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Effective School Leadership

The elements of offspringive discipline attractorship gos a variety of belongingss. Although alone these attributes be important, four are critical and natural in the advantage of a take attraction. The first essential attribute is that a leader must(prenominal) model showcase by beingness principle-centered. The second essential attribute is that the main role of the civilise leader is to be an instructional leader. The third essential attribute is to align multitude. Finally, the fourth essential attribute is to establish charge for the school.These four attributes work in conjunction to promote the goal of the effective school deader student achievement. Principle-centered An effective school leader models character by being principle-centered. Principles are depictlines for conduct that have demonstrated lasting value ( covey, 2004). Specifically, an effective leader exhibits integrity, fairness, and acts in an ethical manner. Knuth and Banks (2006) assert in th eir Essential Leadership flummox that first and foremost, effective leading is character mutualist.They go on to explain that to be sufficient to effectively lead schools, authentic leaders with strong character display fairness, integrity, and ethical sort. A highly effective leader somas the character of their provide by being a role model (Mclean, 2003). A leader must develop their own voice and then be clear about their own guiding principles to effectively model the behavior they expect of others (So engrosss and Poster, 2008). Covey (2004) describes integrity as an interdependent reality, that each individual is treated by the same set of principles.A leaders fulfills expectations and creates a foundation of trust. Integrity encompasses fairness and ethics. powerful leaders who have integrity function fairly and in an ethical manner. Leaders committing to these virtuous principles maintain n enduring responsibility to student success, instructor growth, and quality sc hool environments. Ethical behavior by effective leaders includes a commitment to all students regardless of which race, gender, religious, or socioeconomic category they precipitate in.Leaders value ethnic diversity by taking action to ensure a quality education for every child. This commitment represents an uncompromising pursuit to do what is fair (Robbins and Alva, 2004). Instructional Leader Effective school leaders are instructional leaders. Highly effective principals have a passion for learning (Mclean, 2003). accord to Chairman (2013), the educational leader is the overall leader of instruction. Administrators must be actively engaged in the professional growth and learning of the school staff.Effective leaders understand that they are directly responsible for learning and influence student achievement outcomes by their actions (Robbins and Alva, 2004). Fallen (2014) conveyed that the role of an effective principal is to lead teachers in learning to advance their instruc tion, while working alongside them understanding what works and what does not. culture leaders model the pursuit of knowledge regarding effective reactive, inspiring staff members to create an environment where risk taking and experimentation are valued and mistakes are the prelude to new knowledge and understanding (Robbins and Alva, 2004).Instructional leaders recognize that trying and failing is more beneficial than never trying at all. An effective instructional leader ensures that every student has the opportunity to learn. Proclaiming the statement all rat learn is too easy. Effective leaders develop programs differentiated to meet the needs of small groups of students in their schools because they know that one size rarely fits all. This exasperation to step out of the box and broaden their knowledge base is a characteristic of highly effective administrators.Instructional leaders are continually thinking, planning, and developing shipway to improve instruction and engag e more students (Mclean, 2003). Effective school leaders are frequently presenting research-based strategies to make up their staffs capacity to instruct with the goal of student achievement. line up People An effective school leader aligns people by creating a culture of communication and collaboration, and by developing relationships among staff, students, families and communities. The actions off single person are unlikely to produce impacting changes instead a team effort is required.Solid trust, strong relationships, deep competence, core confidence, group collaboration, and individual accountability are required to effect change to get exceptional things done, effective school leaders have to enable others to act (Souses and Poster, 2008). Effective school leaders demonstrate the skills and temperaments to foster a sense of belonging throughout the staff they address the needs of others, share their time and knowledge, pass off clearly and concisely, and develop supportive relationships characterized by rust and think of (Knuth and Banks, 2006). A highly effective leader is a communicator.Whether it be listening, writing, speaking, or reading, successful principals are communicating nearly 100% of the time. Shaping organizational behavior and practice relies on the fundamental leadership skill of communicating with clarity and precision (Robbins and Alva, 2004). Fostering a culture of professional collaboration is a quality of effective principals (Knuth and Banks, 2006). Effective school leaders make it possible for others to do quality work (Souses and Poster, 2008). Student learning is examined when principals directly influence how teachers learn unneurotic (Fallen, 2014).Leaders, working collaboratively as professionals who believe in continuous growth, produce teachers that will succeed. Collaboration emerges as relationships shift between staff members, progressing from congeniality to cooperation to collegiality. Professional Learning Commu nities are a result of this shift, culminating with a focalize of helping all students achieve and learn (Robbins and Alva, 2004). Human relations are the base of leadership. Effective school leaders actively engage staff, families, ND community to share the responsibility of student achievement. Forging these relationships creates tremendous power (Robbins and Alva, 2004).The success of a leader is dependent on the ability to build and sustain human relationships. The quality of these relationships matters most when completion off goal is the objective. A relationship characterized by mutual enjoy and confidence will overcome the greatest challenges (Souses and Poster, 2008). Highly effective principals will bring out the best in their staff members (Mclean, 2003). Establishing Direction Effective school leaders establish direction for their staff and school. Leaders are expected to have a sense of direction and a concern for the future of their school this ability is vision (Sou ses and Poster, 2008).Leaders develop a vision of the future, while implementing strategies for the changes needed to accomplish that vision. Effective school leaders keep people moving in the right direction by motivating and inspiring each step of the process (Cotter, 1990). Clarity of vision, compared to other leadership qualities, is what separates leaders from other credible people (Souses and Poster, 2008). Leaders inspire and enlist others in a shared vision. Effective school leaders eave a desire to never settle for status quo they budge change, even when it is uncomfortable for others.Highly effective leaders are change masters. They are flexible, futuristic, and realistic leaders who motivate and manage change that endures. These leaders are able to envision what low-performing or even failing schools will look like after their mission has been achieved (Mclean, 2003). They then create and implement a plan to increase student achievement. By establishing the direction of their school, effective leaders are able to challenge the process and venture out in search of opportunities o innovate, grow, and improve (Souses and Poster, 2008).Conclusion Souses and Poster (2008) stated that leadership is an identifiable set of skills and abilities that are available to us all. A school leader must be effective to bump off student achievement as its primary outcome. There are four attributes that are critical and essential in the success of an effective school leader. First, a school leader must model character by being principle-centered. Second, a school leader is to be an instructional leader. Next, the school leader must have the capacity to align people through communication, collaboration, and developing relationships.Effective School LeadershipEffective School leadership today must combine the traditional school leadership duties such as teacher evaluation, budgeting, scheduling, and facilities maintenance with a deep involvement with specific aspects o f teaching and learning.Some key elements of Instructional leadership and what I believe to be most important and effective elements in the leadership role include the followingPrioritization Instructional Leaders make vainglorious learning a priority and set high expectations for performance (NAESP, 2001). While leaders cannot neglect other duties, teaching and learning is where the majority of a leaders scheduled time needs to be allocated.Visible Presence Placing the focus on learning objectives, modeling behaviors of learning, and designing programs and activities on instruction are essential for instructional leadership (Whitaker, 1997). Having leaders as teachers of instruction serves as a model for many teachers who may struggle with certain concepts and can help build trust and relationships.Curriculum Principals need to know about the changing concepts of curriculum (Approaches to Leadership). The goal of any leader should be to increase student achievement therefore, the curriculum, instruction, and assessments must all be aligned with the standards. Leaders need to be knowledgeable with curriculum and state standards and provide professional development and continuous learning for adults.Data In their focus on improving achievement, effective leaders use multiple sources of information to assess performance (NAESP, 2001). Many leaders use data to help guide the instructional focus and professional development for teachers. Effective leaders skillfully gather information that determines how well a school organization is meeting goals and use that information to refine strategies designed to meet or extend the goals.Effective leaders make student success pivotal to their work and,accordingly, pay attention to and communicate about instruction, curriculum, and student mastery of learning objectives, and are visible in the school. Learning needs to occur throughout an organization, and instructional leaders need to require participants in the learning process in order to shape and encourage the implementation of effective learning models in their schools. To illustrate, effective leaders dont just regularize for professional development rather, they participate in staff training provided to their staffs.Additionally, good leaders foster the idea of working together as a worthful enterprise because they understand that this kind of collaborative learning community ultimately will build trust, collective responsibility, and a school wide focus on improved student learning (Mendez-Morse, 1991).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Character valor and dignity

Self-respect and Dignity Analysis of The movie Glory Glory, a 1989 film based on the personalized letters of Col atomic number 53l Robert Gould Shaw, the novel One Gallant Rush and Lay This Laurel. Robert Shaw trained and led the first black volunteer infantry in archives during the urbane war. The story line is full of racism, politics, corruption, loyalty, perseverance and identity. It is written as seen done the eyes of Officer Robert Gould Shaw and shows the valor and courage of a group of soldiers fighting against their realizeledge superiors racism to achieve their desire to serve heir country.I will reflect on the ethics and virtues of this film and comp be the characters actions to Aristotle, Pictures and SST. Augustine philosophies. Captain Robert Shaw is injured in the mesh of Intimate and sent home to heal with his family. He meets abolitionist Frederick Douglass, a former slave. Shaw is offered a promotion to colonel and mold of the first all black control in the union army. The 54th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. He accepts and recruits his childhood friend Major Cabot Forbes. Their first volunteers atomic number 18 Thomas Charles, Rawlins, Jupiter and Trip.Trip does not get along with Charles and Rawlins tries to gait in to mediate. Shaw knows from the start that his troops may never get to see actual fire. AS they are the first troop of its kind, he believes they will be used primarily for general labor instead of true soldiers. In spite of his beliefs, he puts his troop through rigorous training to help them square off the importance of alertness, momentum and endurance. The confederacy issues an order to shoot any soldier in a union uniform that is black and any white imperious officer associated with the troop.The men of the 54th infantry are given the option of an honorable discharge, none do. Trip disappears and is believed to be ALLOW by Shaw. When Trip is found, Shaw orders him flogged in face up of everyone until he sees trips scars, he hesitates, as he is an abolitionist himself. He finds out that Trip was Just away looking for shoes and socks as him and the other soldiers stand been refused supplies due to their race. Shaw goes to bat for his troop as they have been being paid lower wages then the white soldiers as well. The 54th troop finishes training and is transferred to the command of General Charles Garrison Hearer.Hearer abuses his command and uses the soldiers to loot and burn a town, then as laborers. Shaw uses this as leverage to get his troop in to battle on James Island where Thomas is wounded however saves Trip, earning trips respect. The next battle is the Charleston Harbor. This will be a battle that will show the courage and dedication of the 54th infantry as they lead the charge knowing that they may suffer heavy casualties. The night before the battle, the black soldiers have a religious notice where each offers prayers during hymn singing. Trip and Rawlins make encouraging s peeches and ask GOD for help and protection for all.The casualties are heavy and as Shaw encourages the troop to push forward, hes panorama and killed. Trip lifts up the flag and rallies the soldiers after(prenominal) Shaw is killed, as they are shocked to loose him. Trip is shot but holds the flag until his last breath. The troop gets through the forts outer defenses but they are outnumbered. The next day the beach is littered with bodies as they confederate flag is raised. Although the union army never prevailed at battery Wagner, the sacrifice of the 54th which lost nearly Alfa of its men inspired the union to recruit more black med for combat.This film reveals political and racial corruption through symbol and actions. Aristotle believed that all actions have both excess and a deficiency. The goal is to find the middle ground that fits each individual. He believes that we have the ability to change whom and what we are if we believe what we have become is not our destiny. Sh aw character refused to give up on his belief that no matter what his troop ended up doing, they needed to be prepared. This references Aristotelian ethic mean of pride. Shaw had pride for his military career.Shaw also shows vanity, the other end of the spectrum of pride. He takes up for the troop against the quartermaster for shoes and pay so far Jokes about his regiment not participating in combat. Shaw shows large scale giving when he goes against the quartermaster. Trip states that he doesnt believe the war will resultant in a better life for slaves, but he knows he must fight for the hope it might Aristotle personal Virtue. Pictures What upsets people is not things themselves but their Judgments about them. We should not blame others for our own choices.An uneducated person accuses others when he is doing badly, a partly educated person accuses himself, and an educated person accuses no one (Somers & Somers, 2010). Shaw being placed in command of the 54th may have not made him happy but he chose to rise up to the challenge. He does not show these emotions to anyone. He does what is needed. Thomas responds to his position with excitement even though his friends are not happy. Forbes responds without emotion at first but eventually shows his unhappiness. Forbes accepts his calling and honor over time.Trip lifts up the flag and allies the soldiers after Shaw is killed. Although Trip is shot several times, trip holds the flag up till the end. Pictures says this is inner strength. SST. Augustine believed our souls are restless and cannot find character, self-worth and self-respect until they find the greater good, for SST. Augustine that would be knowledge of God (Somers & Somers, 2010). Trip has become one that by following after which the soul becomes possessed of virtue and wisdom. Shaw, Forbes and Thomas all believed in God. They read scriptures, thought they should live by Gods word.Shaw does his duty, never showing favor. Forbes bucks the system be cause he sees a great deal injustice but believes Gods word that the circumstances are above his petty desires. Thomas blindly follows his faith in God. He questions his ideals when it comes to his own character, respect and dignity but finds peace in his strength and resolve to be a better soldier (Rachel & Rachel , 2012). This movie is about a time in history that is filled with questions, visions of freedom and expectations. The characters are strong in their belief that the world can be better with freedom for everyone.They struggle with their own duty to themselves and the others in their troop, yet as they get past each stumbling block, their group becomes tighter and more bonded to one another. Respect, dignity, faith and perseverance become the glue that takes the 54th into a battle that they know they may not win. As they fall, they do it together to achieve what they all believe,

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pay It Forward Essay

Pay It ForwardAn act of kindness can give away values for both the person receiving the aid and the person offering the congest as well as community development. In this summary key points are discussed on altruism. The summary stems from an act of kindness, which was conducted by the fountain as a student of Capstone Course in Psychology/Psy 490. I presented money to a person who deprivationed money for his or her next meal, without expecting anything in return. A person does not make water the degree of emotions involved in experiencing need nor true concern until he or she begins to offer support with no desire of get. Altruism, individual(prenominal) and Professional Social Responsibility, and CodependencyAltruism is the act of aiding another without thought of egotism or reward. Altruism is also the incorrupt obligation to alleviate others (Myers, 2008). These are selfless acts, which grant something to individual else the ego also desires to develop a amenable ident ity of self. People also need to divulge with individual(prenominal) and professional social province to become mature individuals. According to Chickering and Braskamp (2009), a civic and moral identity and sense of obligation to society are more apt to behave in ways, which fill individual and social responsibilities (p. 27).When we cannot fulfill our desires of responsibility codependency can become a respondionary problem where individuals react to problems, pains, lives, and behaviors of themselves and others instead of acting in ways, which are adaptive (Morgan, 1991, p. 724). Applying Altruism to Psychology or mental PrinciplesPsychological principles are designed to follow the Code of Conduct and its principles. Psychology practices ethical and humane practices within inquiry as well as promoting mental health. The Code of Conduct is followed strictly by professionals of psychology to abet the rights of consumers, and to offer help to many of lifes problems. Although psychological approaches are not always acts of freehanded with no reward, many consumers view psychological interventions as acts of moral obligation. Professionals possess personal and social responsibilities to those in need in the communities. Altruism as it Improves the Human ConditionHelping others with no desire for reward is beneficial for the human condition. Performing the act of kindness of providing money for food to someone in need helped to build moral guinea pig for both parties involved. The person in need, perhaps has gained knowledge he or she is not alone and others do care about what happens to him or her. The person receiving the gift may return the act by searching for jobs or applying for social support. The person giving the gift has become responsible to help others this act can lead to bigger acts in the community of aid to others. Many nation in the community practicing altruism can be beneficial in t all(prenominal)ing social responsibility to others. In such efforts to aid altruism limits exist in persuading others to become responsible in the plight. Personal and Professional Responsibilities Related to AltruismAltruism is a moral obligation or duty to help others. Responsible individuals are obligated to help those in need, and help provide the direction so he or she may learn independence and responsibility. Psychological professions must uphold a moral character for the reputation of psychology whereas always striving to help clients and patients with social problems. The Future of Psychology in modern-day SocietySociety allow become more responsible because of psychological interventions. Those individuals who have developed personal and social responsibilities will help others to learn to help themselves. Human society is full of problems, societies members cannot expect others not to receive help for their problems. Psychology will play the role of meeting these problems with professional attitudes and awareness. New interventions to conjure up stronger individual experiences will come from psychology. Altruism will help to mold a society, which eventually will be self-sufficient. ConclusionIn conclusion, altruism is a selflessness motive to help others, which can promote betterment for society and lead to personal and social responsibility. Human identity formation must be enriched by experiences, knowledge, and insight or reactionary problems such as codependency can occur. Personal and professional responsibilities to altruism should be conducted without obligation and with awareness of respect and competence. The benefits of altruism to the human condition are immense. Trust and ace can be learned from acts of kindness. Persons and professionals should always engage altruistic acts for the betterment of social avenues.Psychologys concepts of preserving future experiences will rely on altruistic codes to promote a healthy future for each member of communities.References Chickering, A., & Br askamp, L. A. (2009). Developing a global perspective for personal and social responsibility. Peer Review, 11(4), 27-30. Retrieved from http// Morgan, J. (1991). What is codependency? Journal of clinical Psychology, 47(5), 720-729. Myers, D. G. (2008). Social psychology. New York, NY McGraw Hill.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

SWOT and 4 P’s analysis

foregather rescuer is a party incorporated to manage and run Fort messiah tourist friendship facility in a tourist attraction centre. The phoner has been in business for over days and it attracts customers from al over the world. The target market of the customers includes historians, holiday makers and other people who want to learn approximately slave trade and Arab-Portugal war.The company has much strength and weaknesses which make the company exist. Fort Jesus at the time of incorporation was a viable concept in an diligence that was growing in each(prenominal) sectors. The target customers want an actively engaged in exploration, learning, discovering, entertaining, and holiday making. Fort Jesus has an advantage as the only company with a vision of exploring history about the Arab and the Portugal war in the coastal towns of Africa. The industry they operate in ha very few competitors and growth has been observed in every company that is operating to the industry.The company has cashed in since it is infancy on the expanding and high growth of market to meet huge financial resources that enables them to collect traditional artifacts from mingled split of the continent and other continents. The company offers serve such as traditional dances including the Brazil samba dance, the Mijikenda dance, the Hindu dance and the Chinese acrobatics.This has assisted the company to move to greater heights in terms of market share. They have also contracted internationalist media companies like CNN to market them as the trump out museum to visit to get what you cannot get somewhere else. Fort Jesus objectives are to consider what works and what does not work.Through this, they have carried out research about various(a) museums and attractions to museum and discover that the best concept is to bring majority of collections from various parts of the world. The company has employed the best human resources in marketing and customer care who receives cust omers and markets the services of the company to various groups in various parts of the world. The company also has participated in various trade fairs, marketing, tourism attraction totals including the Chinese 2008 surpassing trade fair which was to market some tourist attraction centers in China.The services of Fort Jesus are puff up priced to attract customers of various categories. However, the market of the company is segmented into foreign and locals. The company is well positioned in an area that attracts tourists of all walks of life. It is also nearer to a university that specializes in Art and Museum education. It is at the center of an international airport and the second deepest port in the world. The road networks of the area where the museum is situated is well hold thus any visitor thus any visitor will have no line of work of accessing the facility.The companys biggest challenge is competition from other facilities from similar companies operating in various par ts of the world who are also collecting traditional artifacts from various parts of the world to create a niche of products. The growth in the industry is encouraging although there is a pattern that protects some of the artifacts from organism accessed.REFERENCESArmstrong G. & Kotler P. (2007). Consumer Markets Influences on consumer behavior, Principles of marketing. ICMR Case Studies and Management Resources. (2007). Consumer Behavior. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from http// Kotler, P. (2005) Principles of Marketing. New York.Melbourne Press Schaik J.L., (2002) The Task of Marketing Management J.L. van Schaik (Pity) ltdWiner, R.S. (2007). Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Evolution of Wireless Technology Essay

These geezerhood when you hear the term tunercommunication engine room muckle automatic totallyy think of Wi-Fi or wireless internet, simply the thing is wireless applied science has been just about everyplacemuch longer than wireless internet, or even internet itself. The thing is wireless technology has been roughly as long as the late 1800s and has tremendously evolved over the course of the eventually 100 eld since its creation and existence. The premiere true demonstration of wireless technology was the wireless wire system, which lead to the lineage of the receiving set, which evolved to cellular phones, and has now gave charge to what we know today as Wi-Fi.It has be the evolution of wireless technology and its abilities that has numbern a giant leap in the technology race and is still maturing since it has merely been around for 100 or so long time. The show quantify true wireless technological demonstration was when a content was transmitted between d evil English telegraph offices. This major feat was accomplished by Guglielmo Marconi who invented the first wireless telegraph. Marconi later gave way to the Birth of the Radio in 1897 when he was awarded the patent for the wireless telegraph by radio waves. Marconi later established a station on Needles Island that communicated with the English coast.At this era in history wireless was so new but so innovating that umpteen saw how it could deposit better parley metre vastly and was being improved to only the distance at which messages could be communicated. alone a year later after Marconi set up the station was communication between France and England established. It still took 3 more(prenominal) years for Marconi to set up communication across the Atlantic from Cornwall to New installland which lead to Marconi acquire the Nobel Peace Prize for physics for his discovery with radio waves and wireless communication.The birth of the radio we think of these days as hearing a voice transmitted didnt happen until 1914 with the first voice over radio transmission. It wasnt long till the great unwashed started using radios to relay information to people. The first trustworthy use of radios was in Detroit when the police installed radio receivers in all their police cars to tell the drivers locations and other utiliz fitting information. The neighboring big advancement in wireless technology with the radio was the discovery and use of AM and FM radios that transmitted over different frequencies.AM radio waves vary with the combination of audio frequencies and radio frequencies, this allows for long distance communication but is susceptible interference from electricity and many other things FM radio waves change to reproduce the audio signal, which allows for bitty to no interference and much better headphone quality, but shortens the distance that FM radio waves can travel significantly. The major downside to radio at this time is that it is one way of communication you comport someone sending the message to someone else with a receiver, non cross communication.This was somewhat fixed with the introduction of two way radios that allowed for one person to talk to another(prenominal) through a handheld radio that worked off of different channels. The only problem with two way radios was that they were somewhat limited to cooking stove and it was possible for other people to listen in on communications. The abutting major advancement in wireless technology came in 1979 when Japan deployed the first cellular communication system. At this time though the system was crude and wasnt able to support many users and process was poor.It took a few years for the systems to advance and become sufficient enough to support commercial use. In 1991 the US Digital Cellular Phone System was introduced and only a year later was the first (GSM) cellular phones approved for sale. After cellular phones hit the market wireless technology boomed in advancement. Companies were operative on providing better quality service to more people around the nation and around the human race as the number of cellular users surpassed 10 million. Only a few years down the roadway were the first smart phones hitting the market, which were open of sending and receiving emails and fax services.Smart phones have since advanced to the bear witness where we are capable of sending and receiving pictures and exposure, as well as achieving the ability to live stream video chat across your cell phone providers data connection. The cellular phone since hasnt had many more finds in wireless technology other than improved signal quality and a larger reportage area. Another significant breakthrough in the wireless technology field was the introduction of beams and satellite phones. major planet phones were created as a means of placing a call to anyone from anywhere around the orld. As the name states, satellite phones transmit a satellite sig nal to one of 48 satellites orbiting the globe, from there the signal bounces around until it reaches a satellite that has a direct signal with the ground receiver it fatalitys to transfer to. Satellites were created for many reasons but one was for a fast and easy way to transmit data from anywhere to anywhere around the globe. However unlike radios, cell phones, and Wi-Fi satellites transmit data on a spectrum that is regulated by the disposal and you need licensing to use a satellite signals.Another significant breakthrough in satellite technology was the introduction of satellite television, which enabled companies to broadcast television shows and movies to houses via satellite dish pointed towards the ellipses of a satellite. The one downside to satellite technology is that it needs an unobstructed signal in order to make a connection. The first real breakthrough in Wi-Fi was actually in 1985, several years before Wi-Fi was invented. In 1985 the Federal Communications commi ttee (FCC), Americas telecoms regulator opened several bands in the wireless spectrum.This decision allowed these bands to be use without the need for a government license at the time this was unheard of because there was very little unlicensed spectrum. A visionary engineer, Michael Marcus, sanctioned three chunks of the industrial, scientific, and medical bands of the spectrum to be opened to communications entrepreneurs. The succeeding(a) major advancement Wi-Fi came when several companies realized that the best way for it to thrive amongst the populace was to be global so that a person wasnt locked into a particular vendors products.It was at this time the Institute of Electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE) was approached by Viktor Hayes and Bruce Tuch from Bell labs for create a standard for all wireless internet providers to abide by. A committee called 802. 11 was set up with Mr. Hayes as chairman, and the negotiations started. It took a few years for the majority of v endors to come to an agreement and in 1997 the committee came up with a elementary specification, of using spread-spectrum technologies, frequency hopping, or direct-sequence transmission.Engineers at this time quickly came up with prototypes to comply with the standard and two variants emerged, the 802. 11b which operated on the 2. 4GHz band and the 802. 11a which operated on the 5. 8GHz band. It was at this time the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) coined the term Wi-Fi as it was a consumer friendly name that stuck. So now the technology had been standardized it had a name now all it needed was a company to bring it to the market, and so it found one with Apple.Apple told Lucent that if it could make an adapter for fewer than one hundred dollars it would incorporate it into all of its laptops, and so shortly after it found its way into the new iBook. It didnt take long for every other company to follow suite. Wi-Fi was then boosted by the popularity for high-speed broadband internet connections that allowed several computers to connect to one access point without the need for cables. In the last few years there havent really been any breakthroughs in wireless technology, just some major tweaking to the rules and regulations.The FCC tweaked the rules to allow a new standard 802. 11g which uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) which is capable of achieving speeds up to 54 megabits per second in the 2. 4GHz band. Since then many other variants have come up across the last few years such as 3G and 4G mobile phone networking and mobile hotspots which have provided better and faster internet to more people on the go as they are able to create a short range Wi-Fi hotspot from their cellular phone or adapter which has allowed people to bring the internet with them.A new technology has also popped up, 802. 16 also known as WiMax, which is capable of providing up to 70 megabits per second and capable of reaching 50 kilometers, much be tter than Wi-Fi that is only capable of 50 meters. Another standard 802. 15. 3 known as WiMedia, a short range high capacity connection specifically designed for media, capable of streaming videos and providing networking for entertainment devices.In the last two or three years wireless technology hasnt seen any advancement, but many companies are working to come out with the next biggest thing to profit off of, and there is no doubt that wireless technology has not seen its demise for further advancing. In the last hundred years wireless technology started from sending a short simple message via telegraph to streaming videos, play games and live steaming video chat across home and mobile broadband networks and satellite connections, wireless technology has rooted itself deep within society and as yet to improve even further as technology itself advances and revolutionizes our world. We have seen this technology evolve from telegraphs, to one way radios, two way radio transmitters, cellular devices, satellite signals, wireless internet to computers, to mobile wireless internet to phones and laptops all while proceed to advance to meet societies needs and demands for something that is even better and faster. Only time can tell what the next big advancement in the wireless technology field will be and where it will take us, but one thing is for sure, it hasnt finished advancing.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Management Study Guide

1. We have covered a lot of material over the ago 2 months. The final examination pull up stakes consist of 10 short behave questions and 2 theatrical role study questions. The 10 short answer questions atomic number 18 similar in structure to short answer questions provided in the quizzes. Ensure you thoroughly read the case study provided with your final before answering the two case study questions. The exam counts towards 30% of your final grade and one cannot pass the course without terminate the proctored exam.The examination is a closed resource examination consequently, no books or notes will be eachowed. You will have two hours to complete the examination. The final examination is comprehensive. It includes material in Chapters 1 20. 2. By providing this review, I hope to channel your preparation and study for the final examination to key areas concerning principles of vigilance, but remember you are responsible for all the information covered since the beginning of class.One should ensure a comprehensive knowledge of the affectionateness Learning Objectives, delineated in each Weeks Overview, Objectives and Weekly Activities, sub section The Objectives and denoted by a lower blue box with a black key in it. Key areas include the following bash and briefly describe the five basic instruction functions. Planning deciding what objectives to act on during a rising plosive and what to do to achieve those objectives.Organizing grouping activities, assigning activities, and providing the countenance necessary to carry out the activities Staffing determine human resource compulsions and recruiting, selecting, training, and developing human resources Leading directing and channeling human behavior toward the achievement of objectives Controlling measuring fareance against objectives, determining causes of deviations, and taking corrective action where necessary Define management and explain the managerial significance of efficacious ness and efficiency.Management is a form of make up that involves organise an constitutions resources land, labor, and capital to accomplish cheekal objectives. Also known as getting things done with lot List five methods that can used to train or develop employees. OJT a rainee is shown how to perform the business organisation and allowed to do it under the trainers supervision Job Rotation also called cross-training, employee learns some(prenominal) contrary jobs within a sketch unit or department and performs each job for a specific period Vestibule procedures and equipment similar to those used in the actual job are situated up in a special working area called a vestibule.Classroom most familiar method of training, methods are lecture, discussion, audiovisual methods, experiential methods, and estimator based training. Computer-assisted allows the employee to absorb information from a preset computer program and advance their knowledge in a self-paced format Understand and briefly describe effective management talk skills. Managers must give direction to the people who work for them employees often perform their jobs seedy b/c they do not check what is expected of them.Managers must be able to trigger people ability to communicate to get employees excited about their jobs Managers must be able to move customers that they should do work with them Managers must be able to absorb the ideas of others must be able to escort and accept other peoples viewpoints Managers must be able to persuade other people Describe four social responsibilities.Philanthropy and volunteerism efforts to improved human welfare, time and money to charitable, cultural, and civic organizations Environ moral sentiency limiting the damage their operations cause to the environment Sensitivity to Diversity Maintain an ethnically various workforce Quality of Work Life Adopting policies that contribute to the flavor of life for their employees, such as contract hours, on-site daycares, etc Describe and realize legal and ethical responsibilities.Legal responsibility responsibility of a business to keep an eye on with federal and state regulations that affect business operations Ethical responsibility responsibility of a business to comply with its own set code of ethics along with ethical business laws substantiate when TQM would make an organization. Total Quality Management management philosophy that emphasizes managing the completed organization so that it excels in all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customer List tercet methods for training and developing managers.What are organizing work and structure? Organizing work process of division of labor accompanied by an appropriate delegation of authority benefits of organizing work establishes lines of authority, improves efficiency and the quality of work through synergism, improves communication Organizing structure is the framework that defines the boundaries of the formal organization and within which the organization operates Strategy, size, environment, organization and technology are factors that affect the organizing structure Recognize when MBO would benefit an organization.Management by Objectives (MBO) philosophy based on converting organisational objectives into personal objectives MBO works best when the objectives of each organizational unit are derived from the objectives of the next higher unit in the organization it assumes that establishing personal objectives elicits employee commitment, which leads to improved performance vowelize and explain change and culture. Change bringing about something different than the previous elbow room or situation.In organizations, normally refers to technological, environmental or internal changes Culture set of important understandings (often unstated) that members of a community share the way we do things around here Distinguish between mechanistic and organi c organizations. Mechanistic organizational systems characterized by rigid delineation of in operation(p) duties, precise job descriptions, unflinching authority and responsibility, and a well genuine organizational hierarchy through which information filters up and instructions flow down Organic organizational systems characterized by less formal job descriptions, greater emphasis on daptability, more participation, and less fixed authority Assess and describe the importance of staffing. Employees are the most valuable asset to an organization. The goal of staffing is to discover the best available people for the organization and to develop the skills and abilities of those people. Recognize the Herzberg two factor theory to employee pauperization Herzbergs 2 factor theory, aka motivating-sustentation or motivation-hygiene, is based off the idea that hygiene or maintenance factors, such as supervision, money, status, do not promote motivation but can prevent motivation f rom occurring.However motivator factors, such as achievement, recognition, advancement, provides true motivation. Discuss the international business environment in harm of management awareness, global competition, and strategic planning International trade consists of the exchange of goods and services by different countries. Compare and contrast the following three basic planning, operations management, and strategic management.Planning process of deciding what objectives to pursue during a future time period and what to do to achieve those objectives Operations management short double planning done primarily by middle to lower level managers, it concentrates on the formulation of the functional plans Strategic management analogous to top-level, long range planning covers a relatively long period affects many parts of the organization Define conflict and stress. What are some ways it can it be reduced?Conflict overt behavior that results when an person or group thinks a perce ived need of the person or group has been blocked or is about to be blocked Stress mental or physical condition that results from a perceived threat of danger (physical or emotional) and the pressure to bear away it Ways to reduce conflict/stress Communication, shortening hours of direct contact with customers, special leaves (sabbatical), on-site economic consumption facilities, clearly defining employee jobs, flextime or telecommuting, early retirement programs, introducing changes gradually Assess and describe work teams.Formal work team established and formally recognized by management, established to carry out specific tasks lax work team established by personal contacts and interactions among people and isnt formally recognized by management Quality mickle composed of a group of employees, usually 5-15 people, who are members of a unity work unit, section or department. The basic purpose of a quality circle is to discuss quality problems and generate ideas that might h elp improve quality.Self-Directed members are empowered to control the work they do without a formal supervisor Virtual work team teams that use mainly technology-supported communication, with team members working and donjon in different locations Recognize when TQM would benefit an organization. Total Quality Management management philosophy that emphasizes managing the entire organization so that it excels in all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customerRecognize and understand the implications of job enrichment, enlargement and rotation. Job enrichment upgrading of the job by adding motivator factors Job enlargement giving an employee more of a similar type of operation to perform Job rotation a trainee goes from 1 job to another within the organization, generally remaining at each job from 6 12 months distributively of these processes are used in attempt to solve motivational problems with employees Describe quality circle and recognize when there implementation may help an organization.Quality circle composed of a group of employees, usually 5-15 people, who are members of a single work unit, section or department. The basic purpose of a quality circle is to discuss quality problems and generate ideas that might help improve quality. Benefits include increasing employee participation, encourage communication and trust among members and managers, inexpensive way to provide training, and solves problems Define, explain, and provide an example of operations control. Operations management is the management of the production function in any organizationDescribe the difference between leadership and management. impressive leadership in organizations creates a vision of the future that considers the legitimate long-term interests of the parties involved in the organization, develops a strategy for moving toward that vision, enlists the support of employees to produce the movement, and motivates employees to implement the strategy. Management is a process of planning, organizing staffing, motivating and autocratic through the use of formal authority.Leadership is the ability to influence people to willingly follow ones guidance or adhere to ones decisions Management is a form of work that involves coordinating an organizations resources land, labor, and capital to accomplish organizational objectives. Define the concept of synergy and how it relates to management of organizations. scheme improves the efficiency and quality of work through synergism. For example, synergism results when three people working together produce more than three people working separately.Synergism can result from division of labor or from increase coordination, both of which are products of good organization. Synergy occurs when individuals or groups work together to produce a unhurt greater than the sum of the parts. Evaluate and describe four characteristics common to all organizations. Group of people, working toget her, in some concerted or coordinated effort to, obtain objectives Describe at least three accessiones or theories to motivate employees.Scientific management approach based on the assumption that money is the primary motivation of people if the monetary award is great enough, employees will work harder and produce more Equity approach is based on the idea that people wanted to be treated fairly in alliance to others Reinforcement approach is based on the idea that behavior that appears to lead to a positive mo tends to be repeated, whereas behavior that appears to lead to a negative consequence tends not to be repeated Recognize when flattening an organization may be appropriate Flatter organizations have fewer levels and larger spans of management at each level. Sometimes when forced to downsize, flattening an organization is resulted.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Employment and Social Care Worker Essay

exclusively employees receive a contract of employment within several weeks or before starting a new post. A contract of employment discloses information witch to pick upher make up the name and conditions of the individuals employment, such information includes names of the employer and employee, the scale, rate and frequency of wages, hours of work and any conditions relating to these, job tittle and disruption, dimension of work and the length of nonice to terminate employment. For pillow slip within the contract of employment it will secern how many hours of work per week the employee will undertake, if the employee fails to comply with these conditions it could lead to disciplinary action or expiration of the contract by the employer.Describe the information sh aver on own payslip.Information that is show on a payslip includes Payments, Deductions, National Insurance number, Bank Account details, Tax code, Annual salary/ hourly rate, Payroll extension phone and Pay date . Payment and deductions ar shown on a payslip so the individual can see how ofttimes they have earned since their last payslip and how much of that pay has been deducted, it is also shown so that if there is a steal in the amount that has been paid or deducted from them the individual can resolving power the problem through the beguile means. By law every employee has a certain amount deducted from their wages this covers National insurance and income revenue enhancement and any other deduction that have been concur with the employer such as pension contributions.Identify ii changes to personal information that essential be kept up to date with the employer.Information on employees that must be kept up to date includes, the employees home address, Work, home and meandering(a) number and any emergency/ next of Kin contact details. Details such as the employees work home and mobile number must be kept up to date with the employer, if such detail are not kept up to date, an d there is an emergency that requires the employees to attend, other employees and the employer will not be able to get hold of the individual as quickly as is needed witch may result in disciplinary action if there was a fatality. It is the employees responsibility to update and change any of their own personal information and to inform the manager/employer about such changes.Describe the procedure to wed in the event of a sexual conquest.According to the OCC (Oxfordshire County Council) Resolving Grievances policy the procedure to follow in the event of a injustice is as follows Employees should aim to resolve most if not all grievances in testiclely. This is done by the employee lecture to their line manager or person concerned, such as a divine religious service user. The employee should explain all the way what the problem/concern is, and with little disruption the employee should also aim to resolve dis aimes through discussion and examine to understand the views and pe rspective of those involved. It is the responsibility of all employees and managers to try and resolve disputes and problems as quickly as possible.If a grievance can not be resolved informally then there is a formal grievance procedure to follow. This involves filling out a grievance form, a written state of matterment for the direct of the grievance meeting and any investigation. This form is then sent to the employees line manager and a copied to the HR management advice team, who will send a letter of conformation of the receipt of the grievance. After this a formal grievance meeting will be arranged, this will involve the employee who filled out the grievance form, the grievance manager and a HR advisor. It is the job of the grievance manager to decide what actions to take at the end of the meeting, this may be that the grievance manager adjourns the meeting to conduct an investigation to obtain more than information or they may decide to put in place actions to resolve the matter.Explain agreed ways of working with the employer in the following areas-Data Protection At ADTS (Abingdon Daytime Support) there are procedures to follow when writing in individuals support notes, to keep their confidentiality. When writing support notes, staff at ADTS make surely that the information they are writing is relevant to that individual, and if other service users need to be mentioned staff are to use their initials and not their full names.-Grievance At ADTS, staffs use an OCC resolving grievances policy to resolve any grievance or complaints they may have. This policy states that staffs are to, at first try and resolve the grievance informally, by talking to the individual(s) involved and try to understand all(prenominal) individuals perspective and put in place actions, such as control measure, to resolve the grievance. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, staffs are to resolve the grievance formally by arranging a grievance meeting and following a ctions, stated in the policy to resolve the grievance as quickly as possible and with little distress to those involved.-Conflict care-Anti-discriminatory apply Staffs, at ADTS, follow OCC policies such as, equality and diversity to provide a seamless service which includes all individuals not matter how demanding their needs may be. Staffs at ADTS are encouraged to adapted games and activities for each individual, so that they can join in every activity possible. For example, Staff at ADTS take GE (a service user who attends the day service) Bowling with a small group of more abled service users, GE users a wheelchair to mobilise and has little mobility control over his limbs.-Health and sentry go At ADTS, staffs follow a local heath and safety policy as well as the OCC Health and Safety policy part 1, 2 and 3. Part 1 is the general heath and safety policy, part 2 is health and safety for management and part 3 is health and safety for day services.-Confidentiality At ADTS staf fs follow the Data rampart Act and the OCC confidentiality statement to comply legally and respectfully to individuals confidentiality. The confidentiality statement and Data protection Act state that Information should only be shared on a need to know basis, For example if a support player needed to disclose any information to an individuals GP then the support prole must ensure that the information they give is relevant and only necessary information is given. If staff tell information that the GP did not need to know, then that staff member has broken the individuals confidentiality and may instance disciplinary actions.-Whistle blowingExplain how own work role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided.As a social care worker, what you do within the workplace affects the overall service. For example if social care workers put in place a good working practice then the effect on the service overall is a corroborative one, this is because a good working pract ices means that the social care worker works with person centred approaches, to make sure the service provided is a inclusive and friendly, leaving service users felling positive and valued as a person. Alternatively as a social care worker, what you do within the workplace can have a negative affect on the overall service provided. For example if a social care worker does not follow a good working practice or doesnt comply with a policy or procedure then there is a negative affect on the overall service, this may be through negligence, failure to follow a procedure may leave an individual without the appropriate support they need, leading to their need not be met and leaving the individual themselves feeling undervalued and disrespected.