Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tcs Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy of TCS Commitment to the environment stems from the Tata Group’s abiding concern for the environment and society, which is embodied in the Tata Code of Conduct. The Tata Group considers climate change to be the greatest threat affecting economic stability, vulnerable communities and the society at large. The Tata Group’s Climate Change Policy mandates that all group companies assume leadership roles in climate change mitigation in the pursuit of business aspirations and enhancement of shareholder value.In the business of providing IT services, business solutions and outsourcing. Our environmental impacts result from our business operations globally and through the services and solutions that we provide our customers with. True to the Tata spirit, TCS regards climate change mitigation and environmental improvement as essential features of its sustainable business philosophy.We are committed to continuously benchmarking and enhancing our own environme ntal performance through the reduction of our carbon and ecological footprints with the involvement of our business associates and partners, thereby  striving to be leaders in our industry sector. Through our services and solutions, we endeavor to help customers improve their environmental performance toward their sustainability objectives.Aim to fulfill  our environmental commitments through the following broad-level actions: * Integrate energy and environmental considerations in the design of new infrastructural facilities * Improve resource efficiency in operations, especially for key resources such as energy and water * Adopt the â€Å"3-R† (reduce, reuse and recycle) philosophy for all types of wastes toward prevention of pollution and dispose of â€Å"inevitable† wastes, especially electronic waste, in line with regulatory requirements or industry best practices * Promote â€Å"green procurement† to the maximum extent possible * Consider stakeholder ex pectations on our environmental performance in the design of infrastructure, operations, processes and solutions to the extent feasible *Set, monitor and review objectives and targets on an ongoing basis toward achieving continuous improvement in environmental performance and the overall environmental management system * Remain committed to complying with all the applicable environmental and related legal and other requirements and, wherever feasible, enhance the prescribed standards in all the countries that we perate out of * Continue public reporting of our environmental performance and our contribution to climate change-related issues through relevant national and international forums and to other stakeholders through appropriate communication channels * Communicate the environmental policy to all employees, business associates and other stakeholders and ensure that the policy is available to the public *Review the environmental policy and allied management systems periodically to ensure their continuing applicability and relevance to our operations and evolving stakeholder expectations * Strive to support various voluntary national and international protocols, conventions and agreements on environment protection and proactively engage with governmental and other agencies in driving future environmental policy and regulation At TCS, concern for the environment is integral to our business strategy toward sustainability, and we shall strive to fulfill all our environmental obligations and commitments toward being responsible global corporate citizens.TCS embodies the Tata group’s philosophy of building strong sustainable businesses that are firmly rooted in the community and demonstrate care for the environment. The elements that make for strong corporate sustainability at TCS include the following: * A fair, transparent and value-driven corporate governance * A strong strategy for longer-term business growth * Best-in-class HR processes * Initiatives for community betterment * Our stewardship of the environment Green Procurement PolicyAs a part of  the ongoing commitment to improve the environment, this policy seeks to reduce the environment impacts of our operations and promote sustainable development by the integration of environment performance considerations in the procurement process. committed  to the  integration of environment performance considerations in the procurement process including planning, acquisition, use and disposal. TCS is committed to considering the environmental aspects, potential impacts  and costs, associated with the life cycle assessment of goods and services being acquired. This calls for conscious efforts across TCS in the following areas: 1.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: TCS is committed to reducing resource consumption and minimizing waste while considering the life-cycle costs of products. We seek to implement the hierarchy of preference to reduce, reuse and recycle resources throughout the procurement activity. 2. Buy Recycled: We are committed to buying recycled/part-recycled products to optimize consumption and stimulate demand for recycled products, promoting the collection and reprocessing of waste and working toward zero discharge to the landfill. 3. â€Å"Green† the Supply Chain: We hope to maximize the benefits by encouraging  our supplier/vendors to adopt TCS' environment practices.We endeavor to undertake procurement activities with suppliers who share TCS' values. We will actively promote the green procurement policy  throughout  our supply chain to ensure selection  that has minimum environmental impact. Green Procurement Green procurement or environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) is the practice of procuring products and services that are less harmful to the environment (land, air and water) and all species including humans that depend on environment for survival. Green products are those that are made with less harmful materials or wh ich when produced or  used/consumed would have a minimal impact  on the environment.Listed below are a few ways through which we aim to integrate the green procurement policy with the TCS environment policy. 1. TCS shall encourage and prefer eco-friendly products, which are more power efficient. 2. TCS shall prefer to purchase from a source  that is less polluting or uses clean technology. 3. TCS shall encourage and prefer vendors who use recycled packaging material. The possibilities of further reuse and/or recycling shall be explored with the user or the administration department. 4. For software products, as far as possible and to the extent feasible, the preferred mode of delivery shall be through the electronic method (download). A server is proposed to be deployed  that would host the most commonly required software.Instead of burning CDs, secured access would be made available to the respective project team to download the product from this common server. 5. The IPD  shall make efforts to recycle material from old sites to the practically possible extent. Focus Areas * Promoting procurement from Energy Star Partners * Procurement of low-energy consumption desktop configuration * Procurement of laser printers with GREEN functionality * Procurement of servers with low voltage CPUs and low-wattage storages * Procurement of server racks with efficient cooling systems * Eco-friendly procurement considerations for infrastructure and development * Eco-friendly procurement considerations for consumables   WASTE REDUCTION POLICYAt TCS, they are committed to reducing the environmental impact of  our operations through appropriate ongoing material management. This calls for a conscious effort across TCS in the following areas: Reduction of waste at source:  All delivery centers and offices must manage operations to reduce the quantity or toxicity of waste produced. Such measures include, but are not limited to the following: * Printing reports and documents, whenever possible, on both sides of the paper * Updating mailing and distribution lists periodically to avoid overrun; use of e-mail whenever appropriate * Giving preferential purchasing consideration to products that are reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, less toxic, recyclable and which avoid excess packaging.Reuse of material wherever possible:  All products and materials must be reused wherever possible. * Recycling:  It is the responsibility of every associate to separate identified recyclable materials and place them in appropriate recycling containers. Office paper, corrugated cardboard and aluminum beverage cans must always be recycled in the appropriately marked container. Other materials are to be recycled whenever feasible and wherever containers are provided. Reuse is preferable to recycling. * Purchasing products with recycled content:  All offices across TCS must purchase and use products manufactured from recycled materials whenever feasi ble. In particular, recycled paper products must be used.It is important that all recycled purchases be reported to the Admin/Purchase Department across TCS for record keeping and reporting purposes In addition to the specific efforts mentioned above, all delivery centers and offices are encouraged to designate one associate as a Recycling Monitor who will serve as liaison to Head – Health Safety Environment. TCS E-Waste Management Policy Tata Consultancy Services, being an IT-centric organization, contributes  majorly to global electronic waste. Reaffirming our commitment to environmental protection, and in accordance with the stringent standards we set ourselves, the eWaste Management Policy reflects our objectives and practices toward this end.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Perception, Sensation

â€Å"Perception is more than just a sensation† Introduction Sensation is the passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the body and brain. Perception is the active process of selecting, organising and interpreting the information brought to the brain by the senses. Sensation and perception are two distinct processes, which collaborate to help us make sense of our environment. Perception requires physiological mechanisms and psychological components, these combine to help us understand.Perception is the process of how we acquire and understand information, sophisticated perceptual mechanisms go to work in order for us to gain knowledge. Our perception of the world is â€Å"direct, immediate and effortless† (Mather, 2006). Understanding how perception works is extremely complex and people differ in how they perceive, humans are quick to perceive as Biederman (1990) showed people can recognise and interpret complex novel scenes in as little as 1/ 10th of a second.The differences between sensation and perception are based around the fact that sensation is a physiological process stemming from one of the five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. These senses enable us to detect stimuli in the environment. Perception on the other hand involves an understanding of this sensory information, drawing from the stimuli detected from the senses, our minds must process that information and create a mental representation of the senses. How our mind perceives this depends upon our background knowledge.For example if we smell sour milk, our nose picks up the smell which is the sensation, then perception plays its part by telling us that the milk has passed its used by date. Sensory organs absorb energy from physical stimuli in the environment which pass to sensory receptors these detect stimulus energies and convert them into mental impulses which are sent to the brain. Now perception begins, upon receiving the impulses the bra in organises the input and translates it into something meaningful. However perceptions are not always accurate.The picture below is called the Muller- Lynn illusion. People are asked which line is bigger and people immediately answer with the bottom line, when in fact they are even. This shows that perceptions can be deceived quite easily. What we ‘see’ is not the same as what is ‘there’. Perception and reality differ. Numerous illusions show that the human mind can misinterpret information and inaccurately perceive senses, these include the Poggendorf illusion and the Penrose staircase. Muller-Lynn Illusion. PerceptionPeople perceive through sight, which is one of the senses. The physical stimulus for visual perception is light. (Wavelength > colour and Intensity > brightness. ) Light interacts with objects. (e. g refraction, bending of light. ) This forms the basis of how we perceive visually. Colour is the most important component of our visual experien ce, some of the earliest theories of perception were developed from how we perceive colours. In order to explain colour perception one has to be familiar with, 1.Hue – variations in wavelength, difference between colours. 2. Brightness- the intensity of energy, black v white 3. Saturation – purity of colour, difference between pink and red (how much black/white added to the colour) The human can identify approximately 200 hues, 500 intensity steps and 20 saturations, combining to nearly two million colours. Does colour exist? People just assume that because we see colours, they actually exist in the world. Meaning, that when they see the colour red, that red is a real, physical, tangible, â€Å"thing†.But is it, or is colour just a matter of our perception? If we had different types of nervous systems, we would see things differently (literally) and so wouldn't we think those other things we saw were the real â€Å"things†? The Trichromatic theory Thomas Young, a 19th century English scientist suggested that it takes just three colours for us to see all the colours of the spectrum. He demonstrated this through experiments where he showed that people could match any colour by making a combination of just three colours (wavelengths) of light.Similar to a colour wheel explanation of vision taking just three colours and blending them to make any colour. Seventy years before we knew that humans have three retina cones- red, green and blue. Opponent-process theory Herring (1870) suggested cone photoreceptors are linked together to form three opposing colour pairs, red/green, blue/yellow, light/dark. The two stage theory was output of three cone types recoded by another layer of neutral mechanisms into 6 psychologically primary colours. (Hurvich & Jameson, 1957) Perceptual constanciesSize constancy means objects maintain the same size, despite changes in proximal stimulus, people that are further away do not seem smaller than people that a re close. This is exhibited in the Ponzo illusion. The Ponzo illusion. In the Ponzo illusion, two identically-sized lines appear to be different sizes when placed over parallel lines that seem to converge as they recede into the distance. How Does the Ponzo Illusion Work? The Ponzo illusion was first demonstrated in 1913 by an Italian psychologist named Mario Ponzo.The reason the top horizontal line looks longer is because we interpret the scene using linear perspective. Since the vertical parallel lines seem to grow closer as they move further away, we interpret the top line as being further off in the distance. An object in the distance would need to be longer in order for it to appear the same size as a near object, so the top â€Å"far† line is seen as being longer than the bottom â€Å"near† line, even though they are the same size. Depth perception Images projected to our retina are 2D but we interpret this as 3D dynamic scene.In order to perceive depth we use a number of visual cues both monocular and binocular. Gibson & Walk (1960) ‘visual cliff’ experiment suggests depth perception is not present at birth. ’Visual cliff’ Gestalt psychology Gestalt psychology was founded by German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka and focused on how people interpret the world. The Gestalt perspective formed partially as a response to the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt, who focused on breaking down mental events and experiences to the smallest elements. â€Å"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts† (Wertheimer, 1923).We perceive a visual array in a way that most simply organises the disparate elements into a coherent form. The Gestalt theory puts forward a number of laws. 1. Law of Pragnanz – things are perceived as simply as possible. 2. Law of proximity – Objects near each other will be seen as a unit. 3. Law of similarity – objects similar to each other will be se en as a unit. 4. Law of continuity – we perceive smoothly flowing or continuous forms rather than disrupted or discontinuous forms. 5. Law of closure – we create illusory contours to perceive incomplete objects.Perception has much to do with processing and we use two methods of processing these are, bottom up processing, and top down processing. Bottom up processing is also known as data driven perception. Sensory receptors register a physical stimulus which in turn sends the information to the brain, sensation starts the process but perception takes over and places the parts together when recognition occurs. This is the most basic form of processing. Top down processing is more concerned with higher level mental processes, such as memory and expectation.The information travels down from our brain to influence what we perceive, this is also known as hypotheses driven processing. This is an example of top down processing, this shows how context helps us recognise the le tters in the alphabet. Top down processing speeds up the analysis of the retinal image when familiar scenes and objects are encountered and can complete details missing in the optic array. Perception beyond vision Auditory perception plays a key role in perception, along with the chemical senses- taste and smell.Auditory perception comes from sound, the physical definition being pressure changes in the air or other medium. Sound waves vary in amplitude- loudness, frequency- pitch, timbre- quality of tone. Chemical senses help in our everyday lives by helping us to taste and smell stimuli. Humans are microsmatic meaning smell is not crucial for survival, we typically have ten million olfactory receptors in our noses whereas dogs have one billion which shows how dogs have such keen senses of smell. Taste and smell are seen as the gatekeepers of the body they can induce good or bad responses.Tastes and smells involve a different physiology than vision and sound, this is because the lat ter two are nerve ends tingling, however when chemical senses are induced the person actually inhales some molecules of the smell inducing substance. At any one time there are hundreds of odour molecules in the air, people have the capability to make sense and distinguish between them. This demonstrates perceptual organisation. We can identify approximately 100,000 odours but cannot label all accurately, this is due to our memory not sensitivity.Gender differences can affect ones ability in identifying odours as women are normally better. (Cain, 1982). Due to the fact that memory plays a part in this top down processing is used. Conclusion Sensation is the process by which our senses gather information and send it to the brain. Once the signal is received the brain processes it and allows us to make sense of it. A large amount of information is being sensed at any one time such as room temperature, brightness of the lights, someone talking, an engine sound, or the smell of aftershav e.With all this information coming into our senses, most of our world never gets noticed. We can’t notice radio waves, x-rays, or the microscopic parasites crawling on our skin. We don't sense all the odours around us or taste every individual spice in our gourmet dinner. We only sense those things we are able too since we don't have the sense of smell like a bloodhound or the sense of sight like a hawk, our thresholds are different from these animals and often even from each other.Perception has all the previous components working at the same time so that we can function and make sense of things. How we perceive things can depend upon many factors but without perception nothing would make sense. Sensation differs from perception, but the two go hand in hand to help us gain a greater understanding of the world around us. Perception forms such a large part in our day to day lives and many don’t grasp how important it is to us and how lost we would be without our percept ions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Great Depression - Essay Example Among those most affected by the consequences of this catastrophe were white people especially us women. This is because we were tasked to look after families when men lost jobs and banks lacked sufficient amount of money for borrowing. It implies that marriages suffered several hiccups that often delayed courtship and eventually decreased divorce rates. According to government statistics, the expensive legal fees of supporting two families compelled many women to avoid cases of separation of divorce (Berton, 2001). Another consequence as white women involved a significant drop in birth rates thus causing an alarm in the replacement level in the country. A drop of 35 percent during Herbert Hoover’s regime resulted to a loss of income in a span of four years totaling to a drain of $15 million. Therefore, ordinary families experienced a strain in affording household items that could sustain them for a longer period. However, instances of falling apart in case of a decline in res ources and income became common, hence, changing roles of both men and women. Roles and responsibilities hugely affected women who had to fend for their suffering children and jobless husbands. As a result, men suffered a loss of self confidence and esteem forcing a majority to abandon completely the institutions of marriage. In a 1940 survey, close to 1.5 million married women faced divorce cases as a consequence of disagreements with their husbands. Additionally, women broke boundaries and started seeking for employment outside to sustain the welfare of their fledgling families (Freedman, 2005). It indicates the liberties and freedoms that expanded for women because the Great Depression under F.D. Roosevelt’s administration. The New Deal programs were equally a part of government relief initiative because they directly benefited women. For example, the program expanded lower pay scales and enacted

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing plan objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing plan objectives - Essay Example Better service provision at UPS Express Critical entail the improving the fleet and adding helicopters reducing time for delivery by 30%. The other UPS Express Critical other objective is a relentless drive for efficiency in terms of the introduction of faster better means of transportation with the addition of the helicopters. An extension of the capabilities also falls among the objectives of the marketing plan in terms of the capability of faster delivery, performance, and meet consumer needs in a fast changing consumer market. Extensive route optimization and improvement of electronic systems allow for the improved profitability and long-term growth of the business. Specialized equipment and services and comprehensive inventory allows for improved structure of the UPS Express Critical business resulting in meeting the other objective of improving service provision and augmenting profitability of the business by 20%. The changes earmarked at UPS Express Critical including introducing helicopters and improving truck, flights, and aircraft inventory aids in meeting an objective of network and operations optimization. The effect is the achievement of further objective of increasing market share in global locations by

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Freedom of Information in Nigeria Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Freedom of Information in Nigeria - Term Paper Example The explanation for this secretive policy may not be very clear but most of the nations that have taken this orientation of secrecy including Nigeria have cited national security as one of the greatest motivations for the secrecy policy. This paper seeks to highlight the issues and prospects as far as the freedom of information and national security in Nigeria are concerned. Freedom of information may be defined as the right of any citizen in any state to be informed in writing or in any form appropriate on request of disclosure from a governmental agency and if the agency refuses the citizen can demand the reason for refusal. In other words, any citizen has a right to demand any kind of information from the government or its agent upon which if the government or agent deems otherwise then the citizen has a right to demand an explanation as to why he or she has been denied the information requested for (Horrigan, 1998: pp90). Freedom of information legislation is sometimes known as open records is a set of rules that allows for access to government held information by the public. These sets of rules form the legal framework that puts the government under obligation to avail government information to the public as need may be. Most countries in the world have legislated FOI. Actually, more than 70 countries countrywide enjoy this freedom to information with Sweden's FoI legislation termed as the Freedom of the Press Act dates far back to 1766 and it is deemed to be the oldest worldwide. In Africa, only three countries have legislated FoI and these are Angola, S. Africa and Uganda. Nigeria is in the process of legislating FoI even though the process has been very slow and often laced with controversy. However there are hopes that with the present pressure on the government from stakeholders in FoI i.e. the public, press/media, judiciary, human rights activists, NGOs etc, the bill is likely to sail through the House of Representatives sooner than later. National security on the other hand refers to the obligation to preserve the endurance and survival of a nation or state through by the use of political, military and financial power. It is an investment that the nation makes to make sure that her citizens are safe and they lack nothing. Further, the national territory together with its institutions may uphold integrity and this integrity is what is called national security. In other words, national security is the integrity of the national territory and its institutions (Raskin, 1979). What relationship exists between freedom of information and national security The two are closely related that when you mention one the other is implied. There are restrictions to the freedom of information legislation simply because of national security. As much as people need to have freedom of security for the functioning of democracy, the degree should not reach a point that can injure national security. A nation has to have its secrets which must not reach the hands of enemies who may threaten the political, financial and even physical safety if the citizens. Therefore the two are related in that if a nation overindulges in one, the other suffers loss i.e. if a nation overemphasizes national security, freedom of information may not prevail sufficiently and if a nation gives too much freedom of inform

Friday, July 26, 2019

Emerging Trends Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emerging Trends Case Study - Essay Example Technical courses require creative thinking in science subjects which is the main obstacle to success to most students. Fear for science subjects has highly contributed to this problem to many candidates. Constant rise of trade schools all over America for students who are not good enough to join colleges for further studies has contributed a lot for shortage in vehicle assembly industries. The rise of trade school makes most of the students not to have vision of being a technician in future. They therefore, end their dreams in businesses (Prosser, 2009). However, most of the technicians industries are managed by aged people creating no room for the young people. The need of strong learning background in to qualify to be an automotive technician has created fear to students. Increase in wages to the workers working in industries may solve this crisis but to some extent. (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge Associated Universities.,& Southern Interstate Nuclear Board. 2014)Due to increase wage, majority of students will have an aim of meeting the demands of qualifying to be a technician due to better pay due to demand for money to most youths. However, most of the students have developed fear of doing science subjects completely. In summary, there is a need for the government to ensure that every institution is entitled to offer a compulsory science subjects to students to foster the level of awareness to science related courses. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission., Oak Ridge Associated Universities., & Southern Interstate Nuclear Board. (2014).  Nuclear related technician demand and supply: Southern Interstate Nuclear Board Region, 2013. Washington?: publisher not

Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative - Essay Example And so much as his revelations might seem shocking; they are actually reality of what is happening now. We are barbarians as they tell us, although they forget that even those at one point their ancestors were barbarians too. So I concur with my friend Gustavas when he says these words (Equiano 2-162). Working alongside Equiano was fun and I liked it. I realized that the captains loved him a lot because he seemed very agile and responsible. He is simply good at what he does. Many sins have been committed to my friend and other slaves like me. No one seems to care what we go through just like he feels. Giving service to our masters is all we do, yet no reward is given unless we sweat for it and grind our fingers trying to save something to buy our freedom. When Equiano was sold to Robert King, I felt like the world was all crumbling and I knew I was next in line. But this is not what bothered me most. The most disgusting thing was the level of betrayal that happened that day. I had kn own Pascal as a very close friend of Gustavas despite the fact that he was his master. I had a belief in this man, just like he did and I was shocked when he let him be seized and thrown into a barge. This is the highest form of betrayal that I have seen happen. Humility and good service is expected of us slaves, yet nothing is given in return. Gustavas was very frightened of the new places we used to go during the sails in the sea. When I read these memoirs, the cries and drums of warfare that used to scare us to bone still haunt me. The journeys were frightful and horrible because it was not known whether we would come out a live or not. We slaves were disposable objects at the will of our masters. Service to these masters was paramount and even when Equiano says that he gave his full service with all the faithfulness and love for Pascal without asking for payment, I feel what he went through (Equiano 2-162). The anguish and pain that we went through was excruciating. Thinking tha t this was punishment from God is the only thing we could do. Our repentance does not even seem to bear fruits. I have all the reason, like Equiano, to believe that God is punishing me. Finding a new conviction to pursue and spread the Christian faith brought us joy. I understand why Equiano chose to believe in Christianity. It gave us hope and he could tell me that the love of God was beyond what we were going through. I was always left wondering why the Englishmen did not practice what the Christian faith purported. Looking at the atrocities we were subjected to with Equiano, at times I feel contempt for what we call western civilization. This period of slavery is actually one of the dark ages in the history of mankind. It is even more disturbing when no word of apology is uttered to us. Our inhumane treatment as slaves left me wondering if indeed reverence did exist. I sat with Gustavas and we would always think about our roots back at home in Africa. The pain of being separated from family and friends was too much to bear. This is why I do not blame Equiano when he talks less and concentrates on his work. He says getting busy helps him forget the pain he bears inside. We are forced to forget about our roots and embrace the cultural beliefs that we know nothing about (Klein 2-209). Now 15 years have gone down the line since I last got my freedom and left. These memoirs bring me back the memories of my past. This is why I feel like disappearing from the face of the earth.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Writing a screenplay for a short Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Writing a screenplay for a short - Assignment Example He then addresses the priest. Law and order are simply what needs to be done. Failure to follow the law leads to punitive measures. That is why you are in this cell. You did not follow the law and so you have to face the consequences. Even†¦(The first inmate disrupts him) The first inmate seems upset and starts moving up and down the cell. He seems to be in deep thoughts. He goes and leans on the wall and starts shaking his head. The second inmate walks towards him and shouts to him. The officer takes a glance at the priest and moves towards him. He does not seem convinced with the explanation the priest gives him. He takes the notebook and peruses it. He seems not to get the meaning of the writings inside. He takes the priests Bible and checks the cover. It is torn, and so he smiles meekly The priest seems hurt but grabs the notebook and the Bible from the pastor. He then turns to the prisoners who are sited at the corner of the cell. The officer grabs his hands and pulls him towards the door. Please officer let me say my final word to these inmates. They need encouragement from people like me, for consolation of the hassles they go through in this cell. You are one of the people who should treat these brothers as your friends instead you mistreat them. The Bible requires us to show mercy and compassion to all our friends. God shows us His mercies, and we must reciprocate to our friends. I will leave you with a few words for encouragement and hope for tomorrow. Keep your trust and faith in the Lord because only He can get you out of this damn place. Never forget to pray and commit all your wishes to Him. Also†¦ The priest hesitates as some noise is heard from outside the cell. Loud bangs can be heard from other prison cells as the officers try to stop the prisoners from shouting. Everyone from the room seems shaken. The officer is confused and does not know if he should get out or stay in the cell. As

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hearts of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hearts of Darkness - Essay Example The novel ‘heart of darkness’, 1889, by Joseph Conrad documents the attitudes on racism and colonialism characterized by the European imperialism. The novel documents document the story of a European named Kurtz who explored the Congo and managed to establish himself as a god. The novel got adapted by Francis Ford Coppola into a film ‘apocalypse now’, 1979, which goes further to examine the imperialist effects on the victims and perpetrators. Unlike the novel, the movie gets set in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. A look at both the film and novel reveals just how imperialism had a profound effect on both the perpetrators and victims. Both the film and movie set out on a journey to find out just how the imperialist wars transformed the perpetrators. They reveal the madness that imperial action had on both the victims and the perpetrator. In ‘apocalypse now’, the story gets based upon Conrad’s novel but instead of focusing on the Congo, the film focuses on the unexplainable venture of America into Vietnam. Colonel Willard sets out with a crew on a United States Army patrol boat in search of Colonel Kurtz, regarded as one of the army’s most decorated soldier and has instilled his control deep within enemy territory (Coppola). At the end of both the film and the movie, the viewer or reader gets to witness just how the war transformed the character named Kurtz. The end of the film and novel reveal just what has become of Kurtz and his thought process. It becomes clear that the war transformed the European idealism of imperialism in Africa and the American idealism in the film. A clear impact of imperialism in both the film and novel can get witnessed on the character named Kurtz. In the novel, Kurtz has managed to slip deep into enemy territory to the farthest reaches of the Congo. There, he has established himself as a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chemical castration and pedophiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chemical castration and pedophiles - Essay Example While many times the law enforcement agencies and the justice system have been in support of chemical castration in dealing with paedophiles, human rights activities have come up strongly to oppose the method, with claims that it amounts to a gross violation of the universal human rights. It is, however, emergent that the act does not violate human rights as is echoed by many proponents (Meiesenkothen, 1). These human rights are spelt out in both the constitutions of respective countries and the United Nations. This paper shall be focused on why chemical castration is a necessary measure in dealing with the matter of paedophilia. Thus this paper shall be written on the basis of the thesis statement that reads thus: While some people bear the claim that chemical castration amounts to a violation of human rights, chemical castration can serve as an effective measure in the rehabilitation of paedophiles, especially paraphilia, by mitigating to a significant level the sexual urges of off enders and in the same sense avoiding more instances of sexual abuse (Fond, 18). The employment of chemical translation can be traced back to 1944. Back then, a chemical called the diethylstilbestrol was used to manipulate the hormonal reactions of sexual offenders by lowering their levels of testosterone. The trend has continued to be widely debated all over the world, with debates being held all over the world by legislators and governments so as to explore the possibilities of employing chemical castration in punishment of sexual violence perpetrators. Paedophilia is a major problem for many countries. Paedophilia is a case where an adult involves a child under the age of maturity in sexual activities. In some cases, this kind of an offence is seen as a medical condition of a psychological nature. In most cases of paedophilia, the courts instruct that the suspect undertakes an examination to determine the status of their mental health. In law, it has become

Monday, July 22, 2019

Higher Education Ensures Better Life Essay Example for Free

Higher Education Ensures Better Life Essay 1.what state exams do school-leavers choose most often in (CITY) ? 2.what are the best ways to prepare for examinations?how are you going to do it? you think that exams motivate students to study?why? 4.higher education ensures better life. these days is very important to gain secondary education. its not only develops your mentality,but and broadens your perspective. In (CITY) the school-leaver are preparing for exams. Lithuanias main exam is the first language exam. this first language exam Is difficult and takes a lot of energy. a lot of studying people are fail this test. so, the school-leaver are studying very hard and much when to finish the tests with a good marks. If you want are finishing the exam with good marks, you have to concentrate on what you dont know something and are progressing what you dont know, at the moment. also, calm down, learn little by little, ask the teachers, they always helps you and of course, you should believe what you do. I think that examinations motivate you to learn more.but also, use to a lot of nerve, efforts and energy. school-leaver gets a lot of stress, exhaustion. I think that can facilitate exams and everyone would be happy. higher education ensures better life.Nowadays, higher education is important thing in better life when the person finishes final exams.the person will be able to better job with a good qualification. also, the person who has higher education, has higher intellect level. So, higher education is important. everyone has to learn and finish at school.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fairy Tales And Culture Industry Media Essay

Fairy Tales And Culture Industry Media Essay The western fairy tales have basically undergone three major stages of transitions: the oral form; the literary form and finally the digital form. Originally, fairy tales in the western civilization are oral folk tale of magic which serve to express lower classes wishes to satisfy their needs and wants. (Jack, ) Toward the end of 17th century, printing press adapted oral tales into a new literary genre. The rationalization of fairy tales, due to intervention of gatekeepers in blocking fantasy fairy tales while publishing those stresses christian morality, has hindered creativity. At the same time, increased production of new tales for amusement illustrates Adornos culture industry which mars cultural heritage and imagination for increased production and profits. Then came to the era of digital form, one of the most successful genres of fairy tales, during World War II and Great Depression. Widespread misery brought in the idea of producing fairy-tale films to make money from peoples longing for happiness.(Jack, ) Standards were based in the first place on consumers needs, and for that reason were accepted with so little resistance. The result is the circle of manipulation and retroactive need in which the unity of the system grows even stronger. (Adorno Horkheimer, 1976) Fairy tales have been commodified and influenced by proliferation of adaptations for films. Today, fairy tales become a form of entertainment, embracing the concept of marketing and advertising. The change is in line with two main roles of culture industry: to create profits and to stimulate economic changes. Case study: Walt Disney Company The fairy-tale film industry Walt Disney, the ever successful model of fairy-tale film industry, is said to keep fairy tales alive through films and theme parks. Bringing us back to the standard structure of western fairy tales as shown in the classic stories like The Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty: the white princess who soon gets into trouble and rescued by Prince Charming, followed by an inheritant end of the story: and they lived happily ever after, we realize that the idea of pseudo-individualization in Disneys early films may be true. This maybe strategy to reduce quality uncertainty as well as risk of trying to be innovative and to assure profitability by providing consumers something they familiar to or previously successful storylines. However, realizing the fact that consumers are no longer as passive and uncritical as what Adorno critiqued, Disney fast to adapt to the ever-demanding consumers by moving in suprising and interesting ways instead of imitating or reproducing what had been done before. Modernisation has contributed to a switch-over in power to the consumers. Disney gives birth to its first black princess, Tiana, in its recent animated fairy-tale film The Princess and the Frog inspired by old tale The Frog Prince. Everyone knows the story in which a princess finds true love by kissing a frog that magically turns into her handsome prince. Tiana still kisses a frog but the result is quite different. Besides trying to surprise its audiences with a fresh twist in the mix of humour, thrills and melody, Disney also moved away from its usual macho genre by protraying a strong and independent girl who is so determined in pursuing her dreams instead of waiting to be rescued as other princesses. By using familiar characters and title, Disney tends to appear to the public with a simple, immediate and easily recognizable identity which helps to reduce the uncertainty and to attract consumers while manifesting the differences from the original story based on their similarities. Since film is considered an experiential commodity that quality isnt accessible prior consumption, successful branding becomes essential as it is emotionally rewarding to consumers and financially rewarding for the business. What Disney differentiates itself from other competitors is making people happy. In order to compete more effectively, besides using advanced technology to stand out among competitors, Disney also relies on advertising to lure consumers to watch its movie which again reflects self-renewal nature of culture industry of creating artificial needs through advertising and satisfying those needs through consumers consumption. Cult of stars and famous creators are also used to convince the consumers of the films quality by their celebrity status in the field. Windowing is not new to Disney. Disney has expanded its line from VCDs, DVDs to Blu-ray in recent years as part of efforts in extending the life-cycle of its films by moving to smaller theaters. Due to the rising cost of production and high risk of failure, Disney has a wide repertoire of cultural goods under it as part of risk management. As one of the worlds largest conglomerates, Disney dominates in various media business encompassing movies, music, publising, TV and theme parks. As Negus (1999) stated, Culture produces an industry. Corporate culture impacts the workers and the cultural products they produce thus affect the economic profits. As one of the worlds best company to work in, Disney has always been promoting a vibrant culture that allows risk taking and innovation. It also promotes positive and inclusive ideas about families, passion and dedication among its employees. As in other service business, the quality of service can make or break Disney. In order to keep up with consumers ever-more-demanding expectations, quality and service are built into all the training programs taught by Disney University. Benchmarks are set to measure employees quality or service. This illustrates the manipulation of emotional labour as workers are increasingly being expected to display certain emotions but to suppress others in order to provide quality services. Although workers are not passive and may react or fight back, in most cases, they tend to comply to the corporate norms as job market is very competitive. New Trends in Disney Fairy-tale Film Industry: Threats Opportunities Digital Piracy- As in other industry, piracy is not a new issue facing Disney. But the advent of file sharing system and availability of free films on the Internet further undermine the industry. Copyright protection becomes tougher as users can always develop new methods to bypass. With the advent of downloading technology, consumers are able to access to free movies just within hours after their release in theaters. Since then, consumers dont perceive a need to pay more for cinema tickets for just once and even more expensive homevideos. In addition, fairy-tale films lack of the special effects that underlying the difference between the enjoyment of the movie at the cinema or at the home is of the factors as well. Therefore, Disneys emphasizing on 3D fairy-tale films production may be part of strategies to revive the cinema as the priviledged place for film experience and high quality entertainment. Competition TV 130 With new features such as streaming Internet movies and 3D capabilities added to the digital TVs, Disney is fighting a sadder trend. Sony, Panasonic and Samsung have continually come out with new digital TVs with Internet hook-ups that can grab Flickr photos and directly link to sources such as Netflix and YouTube videos and news stories through a broadband connection. In addition, Dell and HP also sell computers with HDMI outputs that can be hooked up directly to a TV. This is especially convenient for those working people who are too busy to catch movies in cinema. It is predicted that more valued-priced TVs with Internet connection will be born in the future. Watching films online with big-screen TV will also become a mainstream and big wave in the industry. Digitalization Digitalization becomes a landmark development in Disneys evolution of home entertainment. Recognizing the pervasiveness of digital consumption especially among young audiences, Disney comes to embrace digitalization to expand its market and gain access to new revenue resources while meeting consumers demands. Recently, Walt Disney Corporation released KeyChest, a new technology that enables films distribution using computers and cell phone rather than DVDs and TVs. To compete more effectively, Disney provides value and above that provided by free films such as easy storage, higher quality, virus and legal threat protection, and acccess in multiple form and locations. KeyChest is also intended to be a multie-corporate venture as consumers wont have much of a variety to choose from if only Disney is involved. Digitalization which is more cost effective than physical one expose Disney to a larger audience. Digital medium like the Internet can serve as a new platform for its established practice of windowing . In addition, being able to grasp the opportunity of digital distribution, it is believed that Disney can better control and fight against digital piracy since it ultimately has control over consumption of the content. Nevertheless, the digitalization movement may seem to widen digital divide as some people have very limited or no access to digital and information technology at all. The high performance at box office of Disneys films indicates that consumers are still willing to pay more for good movies. While computer screen maynot where consumers want to access their films, the industry also need to cater to those consumers who like to own a physical product. By applying value-based pricing policy, consumers can watch the films in the price that matches their values, thus expanding Disneys market and increasing economic profits. It is predicted that the digital distribution of films will expand significantly and transform Disneys film from a product to a service in the recent future. Taking lessons from the music industry, the digitalisation is a great opportunity to sustain well in global market. Tie-ins and Spin-off: Selling of disneys products Disneys brand is recognized through the characters marketed in their films and mechandise. Merchandising comes with a long history, but the packages grow larger and even larger today. Fairy-tale films, especially those gain popularity, have always been the center-piece of a package with all other accessories like book, food, toys and clothes. Disney increases its productions shelf life and extracts money by generating peoples interest and enjoyment on it and though the succession of new audience-generations. Merchandising which starts even before the release of the film, is able to enhance the value of a movie that performs badly at the box office. By creating cute and appealing characters targeted mainly at children, Disney seeks to entice children who are more vulnerable to such appeals by satisfying artificial needs it creates. Since consumers tend to attribute their own value to the goods, resulting in almost worship of cultural goods. The fanatical consumption of the latest release of The Princess and the Frog wide array of merchandises is a testament to this. In addition, some tactics such as strategic positioning of outlets are used to increase consumers inclination to consume even though they never intend to do so. This brings us to realize what Bryaman (2004) called Disneyization, a process of creating variety and differences and removing of basic needs to entice consumers into consumption beyond necessity. As mentioned, consumers are not passive but most of the time, we are still unconsicously falling into the trap of consumerism. Nowadays, Disneys tie-ins to fast food restaurants seems to be a norm and results in what we call hybrid consumption. By giving consumers the merchandises they want either for free or at a lower price through fast food consumption, the fast food industry increases its patronage whereas Disney gains constant publicity for its existing or forthcoming films and makes profits from the process while keeping Disney in peoples mind. According to Disneys vice-president of marketing at Buena Vista UK, These movies are very expensive to make and release and these tie-ins get us exposure we couldnt afford to buy. Globalization disneyfication Over the years, Disney has been expanding its business in a coordinated manner to almost every corner of the planet. Robertson argued that the production and promotion of goods and services on a global scale requires close, ongoing sensitivity to cultural differences in local circumstances. Its roaring success can be attributed to its transformation into a truly global enterprise and transculturation by taking account into cultural differences while maintaining cultural authenticity American culture. In order to ensure its films dont look so different as to allienate the nonwestern audiences, Disney always seeks to modify its products to fit consumers tastes in each market around the world. Therefore, local managers are rendered more power and accountability to increase the globalization of Disneys products by ensuring the products are locally relevant to the consumers, leading to more strategic distribution and marketing planning. The company also transforms the mode of presentation to which the non-western audiences can respond such as different language subtitles in the films. In China, for exa mple, products are localized to appeal to Chinese consumers. As globalization is no longer one way homogenous cultural flow from the West to the East but multiple processes that spreads heterogenous global culture through enrichment by variety and diversity of local cultures, Disney starts to absorb and extend its narrative repertoire to include more or less distinct cultures and non-western characters in films such as Aladdin (Middle East), The Lion King (Africa) and Mulan (china). From the production perspective, the extension may be seen as marketing gimmick aimed at capturing more diverse audiences and thus expands its service coverage into international markets when it acquires more markets in these cultures. Besides catering to the needs of global audiences, Disney also creates a sense of cultural autheticity in globalizing its local cultural products. In The Princess and the Frog, there is dialectical tension between particularism and universalism. In order to capture cultural autheticity of New Orleans, one the oldest cities in America, distinctly American sound such as Jazz and gospel is used in the film. By universalising the culture to the other side of the world, Disney came out with a natural love story blended with advernturous storytelling, offbeat comedy, captivating characters built on universal longing for happiness. The fateful kiss between Tiana and the frog from different world and social status brings them on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous. The intricate love story and characters flaws give consumers a sense of realistic. Disney also took advantage of feminism and wove it in the film to attract audiences, especially females, by protraying a strong and i ndependent girl who has motivating desire in pursuing her dreams. As in reality, it is no longer a love at first sight but a couple who really dont like each other at first sight fall for each other after spending time together. Tiana doesnt know how to appreciate live whereas Prince Naveen is spoiled and irresponsible. A prince that really influences a heroin, he teaches Tiana how to appreciate her life. Their flaws reflects the reality which consumers can identify. Showing family love. who then facing problems of expressing love openly. The most striking fea ture is the female protagonist, Tiana. took advantage of a feminist touch to attract Asian audiences, esp women. Focuses on a tough women and wove the feminism into the film. true love can really thriump, to strive for an ending where everyone lives happile ever after. Tiana has her own motivating desire, motivations and decisions that drive her and make her interested and sympathetic. In fact, the film impressed the global audiences not really because of its uniqueness and exotics, but it pertains to their lives and cultures. Tiana is appealing as the female consumers can identify themselves with her and even want to cheer her on. The producer maintains a global-local perspective, exploiting the particularity of local culture on the one hand and universalizing it for the world on the other. By fusing the fairy tale, advernture, music and comedy together, the film is reproduced and presented in a new style to the global audiences. The fairy tale genre, the use of English language, the setting of New Orleans, the American music and so on served to bring forth a strong sense of cultural authenticity. In a nutshell, besides the ability to adapt to transculturation, the budding success of technology investment, the growing conglomeration to mobilize resources and pursue opportunities more effectively, and the elevated status of English as a global language all together provide a favourable environment for the globalization of Disneys fairy-tale films. Conclusion Disney continues to sustain our dreams despite the cruelty of reality. It is Disneys ability to make people happy captivates a large audiences over the globe, thus it would be better with innovation without changing the happy ending that audiences emotionally attached to. Through various strategic management and its fast adaptation to threats and firm grasp of opportunities, Disney is coping well in going globalization. In fact, Disneys fairy-tale films do leave more or less some impacts on its audiences. Some love Disney as it make them feel like kids again, while some may think Disney brainwashes the audiences by adding subliminal messages in its films and gives girls delusion that Prince Charming is going to knock on their door one day.

Upgrading Existing Land Rover Defenders Powertrain

Upgrading Existing Land Rover Defenders Powertrain Upgrade the existing Land Rover Defenders powertrain Introduction The design teams project aim: To propose a program and new engine design to upgrade the existing Land Rover Defenders powertrain The following report discusses weaknesses of the current LR Defender along with a subsequent review of advanced engine technologies. Finally the design targets for the new proposed engine are defined with all necessary parameters calculated and justified. The design team have also considered the cost, manufacturability and marketing affects of the new engine as well as the performance requirements. Benchmarking The current LR Defender engine will be critically analysed in-relation to the vehicles main competitors in the market place. This will allow the weaknesses of the current engine model to be determined and thus rectified for the new specification engine. The engine throughout the following section will be critically analysed in the following main areas; Acceleration speed performance Engine power effectiveness (MEP and power density) Emissions of harmful gases and particulates Fuel economy The potential customer perception of vehicles engine and other performance criterion (including value for money). The following competitor vehicles were researched and compared to the current LR Defender to establish baseline requirements for the new spec engine; Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (regarded as the main competitor) Mercedes-Benz G-Class G550 Nissan Patrol GR Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D For a table of the above vehicles full specifications, benchmarked with the existing LR Defender, refer to Fig.4.7 in Appendix.1. Analysis Discussion By reviewing the benchmarking table, Fig.4.7 in Appendix.1, it becomes apparent that the current LR Defender is slower than its competitors by taking 14.7 seconds to reach 0 62 mph compared with the Jeep Wranglers time of 11.7 seconds. Although the LR Defender is not expected to have a very fast acceleration time, as it is an off-utility vehicle, potential customers may be discouraged by the Defenders slow acceleration characteristics compared to the Jeep and its other competitors. The fastest acceleration time is achieved by the Mercedes-Benz G550 which can go 0 62 mph in an impressive 6.1 seconds with its supercharged 5L V8 petrol engine. The cost of the Mercedes-Benz G550 however is 50,250 (compared to 27,610 for the Defender) and has twice the engine capacity of the Defender, so is expected to be far more powerful with its petrol engine compared to the 2.4L turbocharged diesel Defender engine. The design teams proposal is that the current LR Defender engine should at least match or beat its rival the Jeep Wrangler in areas such as acceleration time from 0-62 mph as the Defender is more expensive than the Jeep and approximately 230kg lighter. Another issue is that the Defenders top speed is the lowest out of all its competitors. This low top speed has also attracted criticism from motoring journalist Jeremy Clarkson (2006) who stated that the biggest drawback of the LR Defender is its weak engine and thus corresponding slow acceleration and top speed. The new LR Defender engine must eliminate these same criticisms to become more competitive in the market place and thus more appealing to potential customers. Vehicle Power per cylinder (kW/cylinder) Power Density Ratio (kW/L) LR Defender 2.4L D 4inl 22.50 37.48 Jeep Wrangler 2.8L D 4inl 32.50 46.81 Mercedes Benz G550 5.5L V8 petrol 47.75 70.23 Nissan Patrol GR 3.0 D 4inl 29.50 39.96 Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0D 4inl 30.75 41.25 Fig.1.0 compares the effectiveness of the engines that were benchmarked in detail. It shows that the Defenders current engine has the lowest power density in terms of engine capacity. This is a big weakness as it shows that the when not taking into account the Defenders relatively small engine capacity, its engine is vastly underpowered. The Mercedes Benz G550 as expected displays the best power density as it is a gasoline engine. The Defenders regarded closest rival in terms of target market and image, the Jeep Wrangler, also shows a much greater power density ratio. Or group propose to increase the engines the power density to be comparable with the Jeep Wrangler with at least a ratio of above 43kW/L. Vehicle Torque (Nm) MEP (Mpa) LR Defender 2.4L D 4inl 360 1.885 Jeep Wrangler 2.8L D 4inl 400 1.815 Mercedes Benz G-Class G550 5.5L V8 petrol 391 0.903 Nissan Patrol GR 3.0 D 4inl 380 1.619 Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0D 4inl 410 1.729 A weakness of the current Defender however is highlighted test drive of the vehicle by motor journalist Jeremy Clarkson (2006) for the Times Newspaper. He stated that the vehicle simply did not have enough torque to pull a horse trailer behind it at a reasonable speed. This can be backed up by the data seen in Fig.1.1 above which shows that the current Defender engine produces the least amount of torque out of all its competitors. This weakness is heavily compounded by the fact that the vehicle is marketed as an off-road vehicle and thus needs high torque requirements to be-able to navigate through steep and loose terrain effectively. As a consequence customers may be off put by the fact that the current Defender has less torque than its competitors and thus this issue will have to be addressed when upgrading the existing engine. The new engine must be made more environmentally friendly than the current engine as January 2013 will see the current Euro 5 emissions targets replaced by the Euro 6 legislation and thus stricter emissions targets. The Defender is third best out the five competitors the vehicle was benchmarked against in regards to CO2 emissions, which is an indicator for overall total emission performance. The current Defender comes second best to the Jeep Wrangler in regards to fuel economy, by achieving a combined fuel economy of 28.3 mpg. However the other diesel engine competitors, the Nissan Patrol and Toyota Land Cruiser are less fuel efficient than the Defender. When purchasing an off-road vehicle such as the Defender, fuel economy may not be the most important factor but it has become more important to potential customers over the last decade. The same could be said for the greater importance of emissions performance that potential customers may look for. The new Defender engine is likely to be more powerful and thus a better fuel economy target (comparable to 32.8mpg of the Jeep Wrangler) may be out of reach. However through reviewing and selecting technologies, the fuel economy performance could be improved slightly or at least kept the same. From analysing the Defender, by using the data displayed in Fig.4.7 (Appendix.1), it can be seen that the vehicle is neither the best nor worst performing vehicle in regards to fuel economy, but averagely in relationship to competitors. The balance of the current Defenders inline four engine configuration, according to Nunney (2006), has perfect primary balance because when one pair of pistons are moving up, the other pair are moving down at the same time. Inline four engines however do not have perfect secondary dynamic balance. This is because piston acceleration varies depending on its vertical position within the cylinder head in relation to the crankshaft that it is connected to. This leads to one pair of pistons moving faster than the other, which creates a secondary imbalance and results in the engine vibrating vertically. Nunney (2006) also explains that at low power configurations the secondary imbalance (vibration) is not too severe but can get considerably worse with increasing size and powerful engines. This may explain why the current inline 4 Defender engine has a lower displacement than its competitors, to reduce secondary imbalance vibration in order to appeal to potential customers and save costs on designing a crankshaft to damp heavy engine vibration. The following strengths are also exhibited by the current engine; Highest MEP value out of the competitors benchmarked against Best strength to weight ratio (could be due to basic interior making vehicle lighter) Potential customers may overlook the apparent power and torque shortfalls as the highly regarded Land Rover brand may persuade people to buy the vehicle anyway. Summary of existing Defender engine (compared to competitors); Weaknesses Strengths Slowest acceleration from 0 62 Mph Best Mean Effective Pressure of 1.885Mpa, better than competitor vehicles Lowest top speed of only 82 mph Highest Power to weight ratio (kW/kg) More expensive than Jeep Wrangler by >4000 even with poorer speed performance. Fuel economy is not the worst Lowest Power per cylinder produced (kW/cyl) Emission of CO2 is not the worst Secondary imbalance of straight inline four engine configuration (rivals also have this weakness) Long history of Defender may appeal to potential customers, thus engine shortcomings may be overlooked Lowest torque produced out of competitors Not the best in either fuel consumption or emissions, even with smallest capacity engine Lowest Power Density Ratio (kW/L) Current Vehicle Performance Trends Fig 1.3 shows the performance trends for Jaguar engines up to 2010. While exact performance targets cannot be extrapolated from the graph, The design group can see that the new Defender engine needs to have an increase in specific engine power. However with the increase in power, increased emissions and fuel consumption will occur. This in conjunction with Fig 1.4 below from Richardson (2010) shows how CO2 emissions have decreased despite the trend of engine power also increasing. While the trends from Figs 1.3 and 1.4 show that performance trends increase and emissions trends decrease, the group is concluding that potential customers for a LR Defender will be less likely concerned about the vehicles emissions or fuel economy compared to non-SUV vehicles customers. Thus increasing the torque (and power) of the current engine to match its competitors is prioritised. It is conceded that any improvement in fuel economy and emissions departments will be limited, but in the interests of Land Rovers image, any improvement on these characteristics will be beneficial. Advanced Engine Technology Supercharging Turbo-charging Technology Superchargers (mechanical drive driven) This is a device comprising of an air compressor to force more air into the engine. Forcing a greater amount of air (under positive pressure) into the engine provides more oxygen for the combustion process than without a supercharger. As a result more fuel can be thus provided for stoichiometric combustion reaction to occur and allowing more work per a cycle to be done. This thus increases the power output of the engine. The advantage of supercharging according to Daniels (2001) is that it multiplies the engines BMEP and torque by the amount the air compressor increases the atmospheric pressure into the engine. Supercharged engines also experience better throttle response than naturally aspirated engines. The disadvantage of using a supercharger is that it is generally less thermally efficient than the more common used turbocharger (which uses energy from otherwise wasted exhaust gas). Another drawback highlighted by Harris (2002) is that supercharging (particularly mechanical-supercharging techniques) puts extra strain on the engine and its components as they are required to withstand extra strains provided by the supercharging boost. This requires the engine to be made stronger, thus thicker, heavier and more expensive. Daniels (2001) also explains how the noise generated by a superchargers mechanical drive components can contribute to extra passenger discomfort. Turbochargers These devices consist of a turbine and a compressor and are a type of supercharger. The difference is that instead of mechanically driving a compressor to force more air into the engine, turbochargers uses the engines own exhaust gases (which would have been otherwise wasted). It does this by converting the kinetic energy from exhaust gases into rotational energy to turn a turbine. The turbine is connected to the compressor on the same shaft, thus this powers the compressor to draw in atmospheric air and pump it pressurised into the engine. The advantages of a turbocharger are same as for a supercharger as previously described of increasing engine BMEP. This is appropriate for the LR Defender which will need the extra power if being used off-road or in mountainous steep roads, which is the market the vehicle is targeted to. Turbochargers are also more thermally efficient than superchargers due to use of the otherwise wasted exhaust gas. This thus decreases exhaust emissions and fumes expelled into the atmosphere. Daniels (2001) also explains that for mainly diesel engines variable geometry turbochargers can maintain an appropriate exhaust gas speed though the turbo turbine when the engine is at low load. Disadvantages include the need for a cooler to cool exhaust gas before it enters the turbine therefore adding weight and bulk to the engine. During operation turbochargers also experience a turbo lag when the throttle is applied. As previously explained the LR Defenders competitors (particularly its main rival the Jeep Wrangler) have more powerful engines than the current Defender 2.4litre 4 cylinder engine. If upgrading the engine by increasing its cylinder capacity, more air (particularly oxygen) will need to be supplied to the cylinders for combustion. Thus the use of twin-turbochargers may be required to force more air into the cylinders to make the combustion process stoichiometric. Also the advantage of using two smaller turbochargers (twin-turbo), instead of a larger single turbocharger, is that turbo-lag is reduced. Usually a small turbocharger provides boost at low engine speeds and the second kicks in and supplies boost at higher engine speeds. There are two widely known types of twin-turbochargers called Parallel and Sequential types. When comparing the advantages and disadvantages of mechanically-driven superchargers and turbochargers it was decided to use turbochargers as they are more environmentally friendly and fuel efficient to run. The current engine for the LR Defender uses a variable geometry turbocharger and it is likely the new spec engine will also be turbocharged by the same type of unit. Variable Valve Timing Systems Camless Valve Systems Autoweek Magazine (2005) states that camless valve systems were tested in 2005 by Valeo on two Peugeot 407s successfully under extreme weather conditions and intensive testing. The valves were controlled by individual actuators and powered through solenoids to open and close valves. The advantages of camless systems, explained by Daniels (2001), include the following; Valve timing can be altered to as desired In theory some cylinders could be shut off (at low load) to allow others to run more efficiently Valve timing and lift can be matched to the needs of the engine with an estimated saving of up to 20% on fuel saving. The mechanical design of the engine can be simplified as the usage of a camshaft and other associated valve gear become redundant. The advantages however are currently overshadowed by the power needs of the camless system and the associated complexity and reliability issues if the vehicle has electrical problems. Peter Brown who is vice president of powertrain engineering and design for Ricardo stated in Autoweek Magazine (2005) It comes down to complexity and cost which sums up why camless systems are still not (although many think they eventually will be) utilised in passenger vehicle engines. For The new LR Defender engine camless systems will not be used for the disadvantages described above. Variable Valve Timing Technology Mechadyne International (2006) states that that the use of variable valve train systems can substantially reduce both fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. The amount by which the variable valve train systems reduce fuel consumption and emissions is going to be approximated to 10%. This is because, as the Bosch Automotive Handbook (2007) states, BMWs VALVETRONIC system reduces fuel consumption and exhaust emissions by over 12%. According to the Bosch Automotive Handbook (2007) the following types of variable valve timing technology are available; Camshaft phase adjustment Camshaft-lobe control Fully variable valve timing with camshaft Fully variable valve timing without camshaft Camshaft Phase Adjustment This type of variable valve timing adjusts the phase that the cams are in contact with the levers that open and close the valves. To change the phase of the camshaft small adjustments are made, by electrically controlled actuators, to the camshaft as a function of engine speed. Typically the camshaft can only be controlled to move to two pre-calculated extreme positions. Advantages include greater power, torque and efficiency being experienced for a wider range of engine speeds. Disadvantages to other valve timing methods include the limited range in which the valves timings can actually be altered. Fully Variable Valve Timing with Camshaft These types of systems can vary both valve lift and timing. The lobes on the camshaft have a curved profile which in conjunction with the camshaft being able to move freely laterally, this enables the valve lift and timing to also be varied independent to each other, which is an obvious advantage to the previously limited valve control systems mentioned above. Fully Variable Valve Timing without Camshaft These types of systems are very different, to the previously mentioned, as it replaces the use of a camshaft with either the following types of control methods solenoid (electromagnetic) or electro-hydraulic actuators. The biggest advantage of these systems are that operate independently from the crankshaft and thus this allows the valves to be opened at any time period of the engines cycle. This, as stated by the Bosch Automotive Handbook (2007), offers the greatest degree of freedom for valve timing and thus the greatest potential for reducing fuel consumption. Also deactivation of certain cylinders can be achieved thus allowing the active cylinders to work more efficiently at lower engine speeds. Disadvantages are however that superchargers cannot be installed (without very expensive and complicated design), and while space is saved from not using a camshaft, electrical components can be bulky and hazardous. Also the cost of fully variable valve timing systems means it is unlikely they will be incorporated into The new engine design. Camshaft-Lobe Control In these types of systems it becomes possible for a valves timing to be controlled by three separate camshaft lobes depending on the engine speed. According to the Bosch Automotive Handbook (2007) the one lobes profile is tailored so that valve timing and lift is optimised for the lower to mid engine speed range. Another lobes profile is optimised for higher engine speeds by maximising valve lift and opening times. Systems such as Hondas VTEC and Toyotas WTI use camshaft-lobe control method. Camshaft-lobe shifting types of variable valve timing also share similar advantages and disadvantages to the camshaft phase adjustment method. This type of variable timing (camshaft-lobe control) will be used for the new engine design. This is because it doesnt cost as much (or weigh as much) as the other variable valve timing systems while still being hugely advantageous in terms of performance, fuel economy and emissions control gain. Fuel Injection Systems Common Rail Fuel Injection These fuel systems consist of a common rail tubing system maintained at constant high pressure via a pump. Injectors for each cylinder in the engine are in turn connected to the common rail tubing. The injectors have solenoid valves which are electronically controlled via an engine ECU (Electronic Control Unit) to open and close at the desired timings as explained in detail by DENSO (2005). An advantage of common rail fuel injection is that control of fuel injection (according to Daniels, 2001) is at the injector itself and not at the pump which is the case with other fuel injection systems. Higher pressures can also be achieved thus more fuel can be injected into the cylinder in a shorter amount of time with better fuel atomisation, as described by DENSO (2005), leading to high combustion efficiency and a reduction in emissions. This is important as new emissions targets will have to be met in 2014 with the Euro 6 legislation when the vehicle will be on the market. The main disadvantage of this type of injection technology according to Daniels (2001) is that the injectors are expensive to manufacture and inherently complicated in design. Piezoelectric Injectors (For Common Rail Systems) Instead of using solenoid valves which are more frequently used in common rail fuel injection system, piezoelectric injectors can be used in higher performance engines. These injectors work by using piezoelectric crystals that expand when supplied with an electrical charge and thus opening and closing fuel injection valves. The following attributes of piezoelectric type injectors are common; Greater compact dimensions than solenoid valve injectors. More accurate control over injection timing and fuel volume. Piezoelectric injectors can be used with Accelerometer Pilot Control (APC) to minimise diesel engine vibration at low engine speeds. This is achieved by injecting a small quantity of fuel before the main injection quantity. Piezoelectric injectors can also operate faster with more frequency than solenoid valves (approximately five times faster), which allows greater control over fuel consumption and emissions. The Bosch Automotive Handbook (2007) states that the use of piezo-injectors for common rail fuel systems can reduce emissions by up to 20%. Emissions Reduction Technologies Stanton (2009) from explains how the European Parliament (EP) and European Commission (EC) have agreed new targets for comply with Euro-6 emission legislation. The new Euro-6 targets will have to be met by vehicle manufacturers and thus the new spec LR Defender by 1st January 2013. This is before the new LR Defender model will reach Job 1 (mid to late 2013). It is therefore important that new and existing technologies are reviewed in Emissions control to meet these targets. In recent years the environmental performance of vehicles influences potential customers more than ever in their buying decision. It is therefore important we maintain Jaguars highly regarded brand image and compete with competitors by meeting the existing (Euro-5) and future Euro-6 emissions targets. Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) This is a device which is responsible for removing small particulate particles and soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. A DPF is not 100% but is normally found to be over 50% efficient most of the time. A good feature of a DPF is that its function according to (2008) is independent to a catalytic converter thus ensuring a fault in the DPF will not affect overall emissions critically. The advantages of particulate filters are much publicised including removing dangerous small particles from an engines emissions. The two types of DPF, active and passive, have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantages of DPF, explained by (2008), are highlighted below; The filters can get very hot causing a possible fire safety hazard. To remove a DPF very technical changes have to be made to the affected ECUs to change the sensitivity of sensors in the vehicles engine and exhaust. A DPF can decrease engine performance by at most 10% Bhp. Other Technologies Accelerometer Pilot Control (APC) Diesel engines are known to display harsh chugging and vibration at low engine speed, which can now be minimised through technology called Accelerometer Pilot Control (APC). An APC system, described by Delphi (2008) consists of an accelerometer (microphone) attached to the engine block which listens to the nature of the combustion which may have caused vibrations occur throughout the engine block. An engine management system then minimises the unwanted vibrations and noise by optimising the amount of fuel pilot injected for combustion, in a closed loop system, until acceptable noise and vibration levels are reached. ECU Remapping According to (2007), when we remap an engine ECU we are fine tuning the program that deals with engine performance. Remapping or upgrading an ECU could therefore potentially increase the available engine power and torque. (2007) also states that remapping a diesel turbo engine ECU will produce 30 50% BHP on exact the specification, where diesel engines give the most impressive power and torque gains available. A remap of the ECU will definitely be required be a twin-turbo (or other technologies) are added to the new engine, however the ECU itself is only likely to achieve small gains in efficiency, fuel economy and emissions. Summary of Chosen Technologies Fig1.5 below shows the selected technologies the group is proposing for inclusion into the new Defenders engine. Fig1.5 also shows estimates of the expected improvement over engine performance, emissions and fuel economy. Also see Section.3 for justification to estimates below. Feature Selected Technology Twin-Turbo (reused exhaust gas Variable Valve train Diesel Particulate Filter Piezo Injectors* Improved ECU Mapping APC Performance, BHP + 20% + 10% 10% + 5% + 2.5% + 2.5% Emissions, CO2 g/km + 5% 10% ~ 0% 10% 2.5% 2.5% Fuel Economy, mpg 10% + 10% ~ 0% +10% + 2.5% + 2.5% *Piezo injectors as opposed to solenoid controlled injectors in a common rail fuel injection system. 3. Selection of Engine Arrangements Modified engine parameters: Total engine capacity 3000 cc. Capacity per each cylinder 500 cc. Number of cylinders 6 Type of engine Diesel engine The target is to improve engine performance (mainly torque) by increasing the number of cylinders from 4 to 6. Although there is a reduction of capacity per cylinder, a net increase in total engine capacity of 600 cc will not only compensate it, but also increases total horsepower produced. Kayne (2009) states that 6 cylinder engines are more suited to towing, off-road, hilly and mountainous areas while experiencing greater throttle response. Bore size is thus reduced from 89.9 mm to 82 mm while retaining the same stroke length. Bore/stroke ratio is 1.15, which is within the range of 1-1.3 for diesel engine. The weight of the current engine is estimated as being 180kg taken from a BMW 2.5L inline 4 diesel engine (plus weight added for turbo) from data compiled by Williams (2006), which is a similar spec to the current Defenders 2.4L turbo inline 4. The new engine is estimated as being 25% larger thus heavier by the same margin, and an additional 50kg for the additional technologies a dded. The new engine weight is thus taken as approximately 300kg. 4. Determination of Design Targets This section of the report provides estimations for the new engines power, torque, fuel economy and emissions characteristics. Below Fig1.7 Shows modifications to the Defenders current engine will affect the new engines power performance. Performance Estimation Feature Estimated affect on engines Performance BHP (%) affect from current Defenders 121 BHP engine Increasing engine capacity by 600cc + 25 % + 30 BHP Upgrading current Turbocharger to a Twin-turbo charger + 20 % + 24 BHP Installing a Variable valve train system Camshaft Lobe Control + 10 % + 12 BHP Decreasing the bore from 89.9mm to 82mm 10 % 12 BHP Adding a Diesel Particulate Filter 10 % 12 BHP Piezo-electric injectors (instead of solenoid valves) in common-rail system + 5% + 6 BHP Miscellaneous; -Accelerometer Pilot Control (APC) -Improved ECU Mapping -Improved intake air flow + 5 % + 6 BHP Total affect in BHP = + 50 % 60 BHP Increase Given the maximum power for previous engine is 121 bhp. Therefore, the new engines maximum power is: Power = (121 + 30 + 24 + 12 12 12 + 6 + 6)bhp = 181 bhp = 135kW Torque and Power at 3 operating conditions: T = 368.5 Nm @ max power (3500rpm) T = 400.0 Nm @ max torque (2000rpm) T = 120.0 Nm @ idle (1000rpm) The Torque at various engine speeds were calculated via using the following equation: Engine power: Pe=2*? *N* T Figure 1.8 shows the estimated power and torque curves for the vehicle. Justification of Targets Estimations While the decision has been taken to increase the engines capacity, increasing the engines power to increase the vehicles acceleration and torque characteristics, the fuel economy and emissions of the engine also has to improve. This is due to more stringent legislation and targets, as well as the expectations from potential customers who expect the engine to improve in every department. It may be said that that increasing the engines capacity from 2.4L to 3L means that the targets of decreasing the fuel consumption and emissions will be difficult. The group would argue however that the current Defenders engine is underpowered compared to its competitors and was consequently the recipient of bad reviews from motor journalists (such as Jeremy Clarkson, 2006). The Defenders potential customer market also may not require huge improvements in fuel consumption and emissions. This is because the Defender is going to be utilised for and marketed as an off-field vehicle with specialist applications such as towing and rough terrain excursions. These categories of vehicles are expected by customers to have poorer fuel economy and emissions than other smaller vehicle types. These customer expectations will therefore be beneficial when designing the engine as while emissions and fuel economy is targeted to at least stay the same, the issue of increasing the Defenders torque can be prioritised. The increase in engine capacity naturally means the emissions and fuel consumption will increase. To overcome this advanced engine technology will be utilised in order to decrease the emissions and fuel consumption. Estimations will be made regarding how much saving (in terms of percentage) the addit

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Psychoanalysis vs. Person-Centered Therapy Essay -- Psychology, Worth,

Person-Centered Therapy is an optimistic theory that is categorized in the humanistic approaches to therapy. PC therapy believes that human beings are intrinsically good, and are motivated to be the best that they can be (Carver & Scheier, 2008, p. 346). The theory embodies respect for individuals and values of tolerance and understanding (Brodley, 2007, p. 140). As the name implies the client is responsible for his or her own growth and improvement (Carver & Scheier, 2008, p.344). Rogers' stated that the main assumption of his approach is that â€Å"individuals have within themselves vast resources for self-understanding and for altering their self-concepts, basic attitudes, and self- directed behavior† (Rogers, 1980, p.115). One of the underlying assumptions, and main motivation, of Person-Centered Therapy is that human beings possess an innate tendency to grow and meet their full potential, or to self-actualize. Self-actualization is the inherent motivation to reach our hi ghest potential, both emotionally and intellectually (Kosslyn & Rosenberg, 2004, p. 464). Self-actualization moves one towards autonomous behavior and self-sufficiency, it enriches one’s life and enhances their creativity. It also promotes congruence, wholeness, and integration of the person. Rogers describes self-actualizing people as the fully functioning person (Carver & Scheier, 2008, p.322). Another central construct to PC therapy are conditions of worth. The conditions come from the need for positive regard. These are â€Å"conditions under which the person is judged to be worthy of positive regard† (Carver & Scheier, 2008, p. 323). Conditions of worth arise by the positive evaluation of actions or feelings from an important loved one. Initially external, they... ...entation, or several, in which they choose to practice in their professional career. Psychoanalysis and Person-Centered Therapy are just two, out of over four hundred types, of counseling approaches in use today. The constructs and theories are extremely different, however, neither can be considered right nor wrong. They are simply based on different beliefs, assumptions and viewpoints of human development and their behavior. Although, however different and unique, there are still similarities between the two types of therapy approaches. Through case examples, such as the case of D and the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, the techniques and outcomes of different treatment approaches can be see in real life examples. Past research and writing support brings about contradictions, criticism and treatment outcomes to the theories and those who developed them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Information Age :: essays research papers

Discussion Board Activity Question Activity Based Costing in the Information Age Activity based costing systems provide a much more accurate picture of product costs than do traditional product costing systems. This exercise focuses on an article presented on the Web site of the ACA Group, an alliance of highly trained and experienced consultants and instructors. The ACA Group provides in-house training, management consulting, and systems installation. You may recognize the names of some of the Group's clients including General Motors, Nissan Motor Company, Hughes Aircraft Company, Dole Packaged Foods, Gillette, Xerox, Gateway, and Anheiser Busch. The title of the article used for this exercise is entitled "Activity based Costing in the Information Age." ( It was written by Jim Tarr, president of J.D. Tarr Associates. Mr. Tarr has over 25 years experience in consulting, senior management, and in industrial and manufacturing engineering. You have been asked by your manager to read the article and prepa re a brief for other managers in the organization. The brief must answer the following questions. 1. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional product costing systems? There are many advantages and disadvantages, in traditional product costing systems. As, listed in Mr. Tarr ¡Ã‚ ¦s article you can see first that the advantages are apparent and clear. The purpose for this system is what is was intended for. And that is standard cost accounting, Companies where designed to do the following for success.1) homogeneous products, 2) large direct costs compared to indirect costs, 3) limited ability to collect data and 4) low "below the line" costs. (Tarr, James D. N.d.) So, with changing time ¡Ã‚ ¦s and the system being build over 70years ago. This has been cause for change because of the disadvantages the system brings to the table due in part to the  ¡Ã‚ §advent of certified financial statements, accounting systems became more structured to comply with the demands of external stakeholders ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Tarr, James D. N.d.) So, the primary purpose and focus of cost accounting today is to value inventory for financial statements. The negative t rend continues due in part to the floes that the "leveraging effect" of direct labor overhead application as cause as many other applications have given cost accounting negative effects as well. 2. For what type of business case were traditional costing systems designed? Why isn't a traditional costing system appropriate for today's companies? Traditional costing systems were designed for a company with large direct costs in comparison to indirect costs, a limited ability to collect data, homogeneous products and low  ¡Ã‚ §below the line ¡Ã‚ ¨ costs.

Hiding Places :: essays research papers

We go to places of comfort to get away from the burden of harsh realities. People use hiding places of physical means like a closet or library, to maybe think of things they care for and things that make them happy and . Whether it be your bedroom, your closet, you know you can always count on the satisfaction of you hidden place to be there for you and blanket you. No matter what, your hiding place is always going to be easily accessible and very accommodating . People enjoy this because it is a place they can go to for a guaranteed refreshing experience. Someone might resort to their room with the door shut and locked after a break up with a partner and write about the past experiences that they have endured together. The hiding place gives off an aura of familiarity and comfort. Something we can all use in a desperate time. Essentially, a hiding place has to provide a familiar physical stimuli. Hiding places often reside in the pages of literature. Within literature lies the tales of people lives, experiences, and knowledge. People love to play the part in Shakespeare, or be one of the knights from King Arthur’s Round table. It sets them closer to freedom. In books, inhibitions are set free, and people can ultimately be what they want. This is important when someone is feeling insignificant. Everyone needs to feel wanted, loved, and noticed, and if someone can not obtain these needs from someone, they will resort to someWHERE they can. Potential problems for hiding places is the disregard for the realities of the modern world. Someone who spends all there time in books is living there life falsely and will face tasks that they will not be able to conquer due to insecurities. Examples of the insecurities they endure are lack of confidence and lack of trust in others.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History Of Beverages/Soft Drink

Soft drinks can trace their history back to the mineral water found in natural springs. Bathing in natural springs has long been considered a healthy thing to do; and mineral water was said to have curative powers. Scientists soon discovered that gas carbonium or carbon dioxide was behind the bubbles in natural mineral water. The first marketed soft drinks (non-carbonated) appeared in the 17th century. They were made from water and lemon juice sweetened with honey. In 1676, the Compagnie de Limonadiers of Paris were granted a monopoly for the sale of lemonade soft drinks. Vendors would carry tanks of lemonade on their backs and dispensed cups of the soft drink to thirsty Parisians. Joseph PriestleyIn 1767, the first drinkable man-made glass of carbonated water was created by Englishmen Doctor Joseph Priestley. Three years later, Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman invented a generating apparatus that made carbonated water from chalk by the use of sulfuric acid. Bergman's apparatus allowe d imitation mineral water to be produced in large amounts. John MathewsIn 1810, the first United States patent was issued for the â€Å"means of mass manufacture of imitation mineral waters† to Simons and Rundell of Charleston, South Carolina. However, carbonated beverages did not achieve great popularity in America until 1832, when John Mathews invented his apparatus for the making carbonated water. John Mathews then mass-manufactured his apparatus for sale to soda fountain owners.Health Properties of Mineral WaterThe drinking of either natural or artificial mineral water was considered a healthy practice. The American pharmacists selling mineral waters began to add medicinal and flavorful herbs to unflavored mineral water. They used birch bark, dandelion, sarsaparilla, and fruit extracts. Some historians consider that the first flavored carbonated soft drink was that made in 1807 by Doctor Philip Syng Physick of Philadelphia. Early American pharmacies with soda fountains be came a popular part of culture. The customers soon wanted to take their â€Å"health† drinks home with them and a soft drink bottling industry grew from consumer demand.The Soft Drink Bottling IndustryOver 1,500 U.S. patents were filed for either a cork, cap, or lid for the carbonated drink bottle tops during the early days of the bottling industry. Carbonated drink bottles are under a lot of pressure from the gas. Inventors were trying to find the best way to prevent the carbon dioxide or bubbles from escaping. In 1892, the â€Å"Crown Cork Bottle Seal† was patented by William Painter, a Baltimore machine shop operator. It was the first very successful method of keeping the bubbles in the bottle.Automatic Production of Glass BottlesIn 1899, the first patent was issued for a glass-blowing machine for the automatic production of glass bottles. Earlier glass bottles had all been hand-blown. Four years later, the new bottle-blowing machine was in operation. It was first o perated by the inventor, Michael Owens, an employee of Libby Glass Company. Within a few years, glass bottle production increased from 1,500 bottles a day to 57,000 bottles a day.Hom-Paks and Vending MachinesDuring the 1920s, the first â€Å"Hom-Paks† were invented. â€Å"Hom-Paks† are the familiar six-pack beverage carrying cartons made from cardboard. Automatic vending machines also began to appear in the 1920s. The soft drink had become an American mainstay. to PopThe History of Soft Drinks Timeline By Mary Bellis See More About soft drinks beverageGirl Serving From Soda Fountain Bar Serving Soft Drinks LOC See More About soft drinks beverageThis timeline accompanies Introduction to Pop – The History of Soft Drinks Soft drinks by definition are carbonated drinks that are non-alcoholic. Carbonated soft drinks are also refereed to as soda, soda pop, pop, or tonic. 1798 The term â €Å"soda water† first coined.1810 First U.S. patent issued for the manufacture of imitation mineral waters. 1819 The â€Å"soda fountain† patented by Samuel Fahnestock. 1835 The first bottled soda water in the U.S. 1850 A manual hand & foot operated filling & corking device, first used for bottling soda water. 1851 Ginger ale created in Ireland. 1861 The term â€Å"pop† first coined. 1874 The first ice-cream soda sold. 1876 Root beer mass produced for public sale. 1881 The first cola-flavored beverage introduced. 1885 Charles Aderton invented â€Å"Dr Pepper† in Waco, Texas. 1886 Dr. John S. Pemberton invented â€Å"Coca-Cola† in Atlanta, Georgia. 1892 William Painter invented the crown bottle cap. 1898 â€Å"Pepsi-Cola† is invented by Caleb Bradham. 1899 The first patent issued for a glass blowing machine, used to produce glass bottles. 1913 Gas motored trucks replaced horse drawn carriages as delivery vehicles. 1919 The American Bottlers o f Carbonated Beverages formed.1920 The U.S. Census reported that more than 5,000 bottlers now exist. Early 1920's The first automatic vending machines dispensed sodas into cups. 1923 Six-pack soft drink cartons called â€Å"Hom-Paks† created.1929 The Howdy Company debuted its new drink â€Å"Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Sodas† later called â€Å"7 Up†. Invented by Charles Leiper Grigg. 1934 Applied color labels first used on soft drink bottles, the coloring was baked on the face of the bottle. 1952 The first diet soft drink sold called the â€Å"No-Cal Beverage† a gingerale sold by Kirsch. 1957 The first aluminum cans used.1959 The first diet cola sold. 1962 The pull-ring tab first marketed by the Pittsburgh Brewing Company of  Pittsburgh, PA. The pull-ring tab was invented by Alcoa. 1963 The Schlitz Brewing company introduced the â€Å"Pop Top† beer can to the nation in March, invented by Ermal Fraze of Kettering, Ohio. 1965 Soft drinks in can s dispensed from vending machines.1965 The resealable top invented. 1966 The American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages renamed The National Soft Drink Association. 1970 Plastic bottles are used for soft drinks. 1973 The PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottle created. 1974 The stay-on tab invented. Introduced by the Falls City Brewing Company of Louisville, KY. 1979 Mello Yello soft drink is introduced by the Coca Cola company as competition against Mountain Dew. 1981 The â€Å"talking† vending machine invented. OF COCA-COLA:Invented in the City of Atlanta over a hundred years ago. Atlanta 1886. John Pemberton in 1886 was experimenting with a new recipe. Took some secret ingredients and boiled them into a syrup. Took some to Jacob’s pharmacy where he mixed it with carbonated water and place it on sale for 5 cents a glass. Thus greatest invention of all time. Accountant of Pemberton – Frank Rob inson, coined the name Coca-Cola and famours trademark News spread across Atlanta 1st year – average drinks sold 9 drink per day 1888 – sold to Asa G. Candler and Co. to produce and distribute coca-cola Mr. Candler was a marketing genius, countless creative ways to promote the product. Gave the color red in barrels to give a distinctive appearance All over America-Soda foams. Then in bottles – idea Sold them the right to do that – 1dollar 1916 – introduced coca cola contour bottle; so unique it became instantly famous 1919 – Candler sold the company to a group of investors. Robert Woodriff who became the company’s president Make ice-cold coca cola available to anyone, where, placeFIRST TRULY GLOBAL BRAND 100 YEARS LATER – FORMULA IS STILL A GUARDED SECRET MOST RECOGNIZED TRADEMARK IN THE WORLD ENJOYED IN MORE THAN 200 COUNTRIESHISTORY OF BOTTLING:Coca-Cola ® originated as a soda fountain beverage in 1886 selling for five cent s a glass. Early growth was impressive, but it was only when a strong bottling system developed thatCoca-Cola became the world-famous brand it is today. 1894 †¦ A modest start for a bold ideaIn a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi, brisk sales of the new fountain beverage calledCoca-Cola impressed the store's owner, Joseph A. Biedenharn. He began bottling Coca-Colato sell, using a common glass bottle called a Hutchinson.Biedenharn sent a case to Asa Griggs Candler, who owned the Company. Candler thanked him but took no action. One of his nephews already had urged that Coca-Cola be bottled, but Candler focused on fountain sales. 1899 †¦ The first bottling agreementTwo young attorneys from Chattanooga, Tennessee believed they could build a business around bottling Coca-Cola. In a meeting with Candler, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead obtained exclusive rights to bottle Coca-Cola across most of the United States (specifically excluding Vicksburg) — for the sum of one dollar. A third Chattanooga lawyer, John T. Lupton, soon joined their venture. 1900-1909 †¦ Rapid growthThe three pioneer bottlers divided the country into territories and sold bottling rights to local entrepreneurs. Their efforts were boosted by major progress in bottling technology, which improved efficiency and product quality. By 1909, nearly 400 Coca-Cola bottling plants were operating, most of them family-owned businesses. Some were open only during hot-weather months when demand was high. 1916 †¦ Birth of the contour bottleBottlers worried that the straight-sided bottle for Coca-Cola was easily confused with imitators. A group representing the Company and bottlers asked glass manufacturers to offer ideas for a distinctive bottle. A design from the Root Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana won enthusiastic approval in 1915 and was introduced in 1916. The contour bottle became one of the few packages ever granted trademark status by the U.S. Patent Office . Today, it's one of the most recognized icons in the world – even in the dark! 1920s †¦ Bottling overtakes fountain salesAs the 1920s dawned, more than 1,000 Coca-Cola bottlers were operating in the U.S. Their ideas and zeal fueled steady growth. Six-bottle cartons were a huge hit after their 1923 introduction. A few years later, open-top metal coolers became the forerunners of automated vending machines. By the end of the 1920s, bottle sales of Coca-Cola exceeded fountain sales. 1920s and 30s †¦ International expansionLed by longtime Company leader Robert W. Woodruff, chief executive officer and chairman of the Board, the Company began a major push to establish bottling operations outside the U.S. Plants were opened in France, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Belgium, Italy, Peru, Spain, Australia and South Africa. By the time World War II began, Coca-Cola was being bottled in 44 countries. 1940s †¦ Post-war growthDuring the war, 64 bottling plants were set up ar ound the world to supply the troops. This followed an urgent request for bottling equipment and materials from General Eisenhower's base in North Africa. Many of these war-time plants were later converted to civilian use, permanently enlarging the bottling system and accelerating the growth of the Company's worldwide business. 1950s †¦ Packaging innovationsFor the first time, consumers had choices of Coca-Cola package size and type — the traditional 6.5-ounce contour bottle, or larger servings including 10-, 12- and 26-ounce versions. Cans were also introduced, becoming generally available in 1960. 1960s †¦ New brands introducedFollowing Fanta ® in the 1950s, Sprite ®, Minute Maid ®, Fresca ® and TaB ® joined brandCoca-Cola in the 1960s. Mr. Pibb ® and Mello Yello ® were added in the 1970s. The 1980s brought diet Coke ® and Cherry Coke ®, followed by POWERADE ® and DASANI ® in the 1990s. Today hundreds of other brands are offered to meet consum er preferences in local markets around the world. 1970s and 80s †¦ Consolidation to serve customersAs technology led to a global economy, the retailers who sold Coca-Cola merged and evolved into international mega-chains. Such customers required a new approach. In response, many small and medium-size bottlers consolidated to better serve giant international customers. The Company encouraged and invested in a number of bottler consolidations to assure that its largest bottling partners would have capacity to lead the system in working with global retailers. 1990s †¦ New and growing marketsPolitical and economic changes opened vast markets that were closed or underdeveloped for decades. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Company invested heavily to build plants in Eastern Europe. And as the century closed, more than $1.5 billion was committed to new bottling facilities in Africa. 21st Century †¦The Coca-Cola bottling system grew up with roots deeply planted in local communities. This heritage serves the Company well today as people seek brands that honor local identity and the distinctiveness of local markets. As was true a century ago, strong locally based relationships between Coca-Cola bottlers, customers and communities are the foundation on which the entire business grows.